Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1288

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH . 250 . APRIL 25, 1936. [CHAPTER 250 .1 JOINT RE SOL UT ION Providing for the participation of the United States in the Great Lakes Exposi- tion to be held in the State of Ohio during the year 1936, and authorizing the Pre sid ent to invite the Dominion of Canada to participate th ere in, and for other purposes . Whereas there is to be held in the city of Cleveland, State of Ohio, during the year 1936 an exposition to be known as the Great Lakes Exposition, dealing with industrial, agricultural, commercial, edu- cational, and cultural progress of the eight States bordering upon the Great Lakes, namely, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Mich- igan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota ; and Whereas the city of Cleveland has made available one hundred and forty acres of land centrally located, its public hall, its lakeside exhibition hall, and its stadium, valued at more than $20,000,000, its adjacent streets and properties, its lake-front grounds, and its water-front privileges on Lake Erie ; and Whereas the exposition has been incorporated not for profit and has been amply underwritten ; and Whereas such exposition is worthy and deserving of the support and encouragement of the United States ; and the United States has aided and encouraged such expositions in the past : Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is authorized and requested to invite the Dominion of Canada to participate in such proposed exposition . SEC. 2 . There is hereby established a commission, to be known as the United States Great Lakes Exposition Commission, and herein- after referred to as the "Commission", and to be composed of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Agricultur e and the Secretary of Commerce ; which Commission shall serve without additional com- pens ation and shall repr esent the Unite d Sta tes i n con necti on wi th the holding of the Great Lakes Exposition in the State of Ohio during the year 1936 . SEC . 3. There is hereby created a United States Commissioner General for the Great Lakes Exposition, to be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Se nate, and to receive compensation at the rate of not to exceed $10,000 per annum and not to exceed one assistant commis sioner for said Great Lakes Expo- sition, to be ap pointed by the Co mmission er Genera l, with t he approval of the Commission herein designated, and to receive com- pensation at the rate of not to exceed $7,500 per annum . The salary and expenses of the Commissioner General and such staff as he may require shall be paid out of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this joint resolution, for such period prior to the opening of the exposition as the Commissioner 2 may determine, for the duration of the exposition, and not to exceed a six mont hs' period following the closing thereof . SEc . 4 . The Commission shall prescribe the duties of the United States Commissioner General and shall delegate such powers and functions to him as it shall deem advisable, in order that there may be exhibited at the Great Lakes Exposition by the Government of the United States, its executive departments, i ndependent offices, and establishments such articles and materials and documents and papers as illustrate the function and administr ative faculty of the Government in the advancement of industry, science, invention, agriculture, the arts, and peace, and demonstrating the nature of our institutions, particularly as regards their adaptation to the needs of the people. ISoin original . 1 243 April 25, 1936 . [9 .J. Res.233.] [Pub . Res.,No.S4.] Great Lakes Expo - si tio n. Preamble . Dominion of Canada invited t o participate . Commission estab- lished . Composition, pur- pose, etc. Commissioner Gen- eral and assistant; ap- pointment, salaries, etc . Payment of salaries and expenses . Duties and po wers of Commissioner G en- eral.