Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1312

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7 4TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 371, 374. MAY 7, 8, 1936.

1267 Whereas Harvard University endeavors to foster and maintain the ideals of truth and freedom so dear to Americans : Therefore be it Resolved by the Sen ate and Hou se of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Govern- men t and p eople of the Un ited Sta tes uni te with Harvard Univer sity in a fitting and appropriate observance of the three-hundredth anniversary of its founding, which marked the formal beginning of higher education in the United States . SEC. 2. There is hereby established a commission to be known as commission estab- lished; composition, the United States Harvard University Tercentenary Commission etc . (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) to be composed of fifteen commissioners, as follows : The President of the United States and four persons to be appointed by him, the President of the Senate and four Members of the Senate to be appointed by said President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and four Members of the House to be appointed by said Speaker . SEC . 3 . The Commission, on behalf of the United States, shall cooperate with representatives of Harvard University, the Common- wealth of Massachusetts, and the cities of Cambridge and Boston in the appropriate observance of such anniversary, and shall extend appropriate courtesies to the delegates of foreign universities and other foreign learned bodies or individuals attending the celebration as guests of Harva rd Univ ersity . SEC . 4 . The members of the Commission shall serve without com- Members to serve pensation and shall select a chairman from among their number, without pare; chair- but the President of the United States shall be designated the ' President designated "Honorary Chairman" of the Commission,

man". Appr opria tion for ex. SEC . 5. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any pe nses, auth orize d . money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Post, p . 1608 . $10,000 to be expended by the Commission for expenses, including actual and necessary traveling and subsistence expenses, incurred while discharging its functions under this resolution . The COm- . Other personal sere- mis sion sh all have power to selec t, hire, and f ix the c ompensa tion of such officers and employees as shall be necessary for the per- formance of its duties without regard to the provisions of other laws applicable to employment or compensation of officers or employees of the United States . SEC. 6. Any vacancies occurring in the membership of the Filling of vacancies . Commission shall be filled by the President of the United States . Approved, May 7, 1936 . [CH APTER 374.] JOINT RE SOL UTI ON To provide an additional appropriation for expe nses of special and select com- mittees of the House of Representatives for the fiscal year 1936 . Res olv ed by the Se nate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in C ongress assembl ed, That for expenses of special and select committees authorized by the House of Repre- sent atives, there i s hereby approp riated, out of any mone y in th e Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $75,000 for the fiscal year 1936 : Provided, That no person shall be employed under this appropriation at a rate of compensation in excess of $3,600 per annum . Approved, May 8, 193 6 . Government partici- pation, etc . Duties . May 8, 1936. [H.T. Res . 567 .] [Pub . Res., No. 89.1 House of Representa- tives . Additional appropri- ation for expenses, spe . cial, e tc., co mmitt ees . Ante, p . 467 . Proviso . Salarre limitation .