Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1361

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 405 . MAY 15, 1936. Bureau at The Hague, $2,000 ; International Map of the World on In tern ation al Tech- the Millionth Scale, $5 0 ; Int ernational Technica l Committe e of nical Comm ittee of Aeri al Le gal Exper ts . Aerial Legal Experts, $6,696, including not to exceed $6,500 for the Ante, p. NO, expenses of participation by the Government of the United States in the meetings of the International Technical Commit tee of Aerial Legal Experts and of the commissions established by that commit- tee, including traveling expenses, personal services in the District of C olumb ia a nd e lsew here with out refer ence to the Class ific atio n Act of 1923, as amended, stenographic and other services by contract u. S., see. 3709, p. .733. if deemed necessary without regard to the provisions of section 37 09 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C ., title 41, sec. 5), rent, pur- chase of necessary books and documents, printing and binding, offi- cial cards, entertainment, and such other expenses as may be author- ize d b y the Se cre ta ry of Sta te ; Conven tion Relating to Liquor Traf- fic in Africa, $55 ; International Penal and Penitentiary Commis- sion, $4,282, including not to exceed $750 for the necessary expenses of the commissioner to represent the United States on the commis- sion at its annual meetings, personal services without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, traveling expenses, and such other expenses as the Secretary of State may deem necessary


manent Association of International Road Congresses, $588 ; Inter- national Labor Organization, $212,951 .59, including not to exceed $27,300 for the expenses of participation by the United States in the meetings of the General Conference and of the Governing Body of the International Labor Office and in such regional, industrial, or other special meetings as may be duly called by such Governing Body, including personal services, without reference to the Classi- fication Act of 1923, as amended, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, sten ographic reportin g and translating services by con- tract if deemed necessary without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., title 41, sec . 5), rent, traveling expenses, purchase of boo ks, documents, ne wspapers, periodi cals, and charts, stationery, official cards, printing and binding, entertainment, hire, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and such other expenses as may be authorized by the Secre- tary of St a t e ; Imple menting th e Narcotic s Convent ion of 193 1, $9,005 ; International Council of Scientific Unions and Associated Unions, as follows : International Council of Scientific Unions, $19 .30 ; International Astronomical Union, $617 .60 ; International Union of Chemistry, $675 ; In tern atio nal Uni on of Geodesy and Geophysics, $2,316 ; International Scientific Radio Union, $154 .40 ; International Union of Physics, $62 .72 ; International Geographical Unio n, $194.66 ; and International Union of Biological Sciences, $154 .40 ; in all, $4,194 .08 ; and Pan American Institute of Geography Total ; additional sum, increase in rates of and History, $10,000 ;; in all, $880,620, together with such additional exchange . sums, due to increase in rates of exchange as the Secretary of State may determine and certify to the Secretary of the Treasury to be necessary to pay in foreign currencies the quotas and contributions required by the several treaties, conventions, or laws establishing the amount of the obligation. Interna tional R adio Consulting Commit- tee, Rumania . Partic ipatio n ex- pauses . . IN TERNATI ONAL RAD IO CONS ULTING COMMITT EE, RUMA NIA For the expenses of participation by the United States in the meet- ing of the International Rad io Consulting Com mittee, to be hel d in Rumania in 1937, including personal services in the District of Columbia an d elsewhere witho ut reference to t he Classification Act of 1923, as amended ; stenographic reporting and translating services,