Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1364

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 405. MAY 15, 1936. of the International Joint Commission incurred under the terms of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain concerning the use of boundary waters between the United States and Canada, and for other purposes, signed January 11, 1909 ; $37,100, to be dis- bursed under the direction of the Secretary of State : Provided, That t he salar ies of the Amer ican Co mmission ers sha ll not e xceed $ 7,500 each per annum : Provided further, That traveling expenses of the c ommissio ners, s ecretary , and n ecessary employ ees shal l be al lowed in accordance with the provisions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, as amended (U . S . C., title 5, sets . 821-833) . For an addi tiona l am ount for nece ssary spe cial or t echn ical investigations in connection with matters which fall within the scope of the jurisdiction of the International Joint Commission, including personal services in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, traveling expenses, procurement of technical and scientific equipment, and the purchase, exchange, hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passe nger-car rying ve hic les, $65,000, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, who is authorized to transfer to any department or independent establishment of the Government, with the consent of the head there- of, any part of this amount for direct expenditure by such depart- men t or est ablishm ent for the pur poses o f this a ppropri ation . ARBITRATION OF SMELTER-FUMES CONTROVERSY Arbitration of smelter-fumes controversy : For the expense of the arbitration under the convention between the United States and Canada, signed April 15, 1935, of the questions set forth in article III of that conven tion fo r determ ining d amages c aused i n the St ate of Washington from fumes discharged from the smelter of the Canadian Mining and Smelting C ompany at Trail, Brit ish Colum- bia , includ ing the share of the U nited S tates of the ho norarium of the neutral arbitr ator an d of oth er join t expens es of t he two G ov- ernments ; honorarium of the United States arbitrator ; compensa- tion of an agent ; compensation of employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, without regard to the civil-service laws and regulations or to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended ; stenographic reporting and translating services, by contract if deemed necessary without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Stat- utes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5) ; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; traveling expenses and per diem (notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act) ; cost of necessary books and docu- ments ; stationery ; official cards ; printing and binding ; and such other expenditures as may be authorized by the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of State is authorized to transfer to any depart- ment or independent establishment of the Government with the con- sent of the head thereof, any part of this amount for direct expen- diture by such department or establishment for the purposes of this appropriation, $50,000, to be available immediately : Provided, That no salary or honorarium shall be paid from this appropriation at an annual rate in excess of $10,000 : Provided, That the ultimate decisions under this arbitration shall be consummated within two years from the date of the passage of this Act . INT ER-AM ERIC AN CO NFERE NCE 1319 Vol. 36, p. 2448 . Provisos. Salarr e rest rictio n . Traveling expenses . Vol.44,p.65. U.S.C.,p.103. Special or technical investigations . Personal services . Arbitration of smelt- er-fumes controversre . Post, p . 3246. Personal services . R. S., sec. 3709, p. 733 . L'.S. C.,p.1803. Printing and binding . Provisos . Salarre, etc ., limita- tio n. Time restriction . Inter-American Con- ference . For the expenses of participation by the United States in an Inter- Parti cipation ex- American Conference to be held at Buenos Aires, Argentina, or at P o p e t,p. 1353. the capital of another American republic, in 1936, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia or elsewhere without refer- ence to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended ; stenographic