Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1435

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7 4TH CONG RESS . SESS . II. CHS . 470, 471 . MAY 28,1936 . A uthorize d eapend i- Money appropriated pursuant to this Act shall be available upon vouchers approved by the Secretary of Commerce for fostering acci- dent-prevention work on the part of organizations engaged in the promotion of safety and accident prevention ; preparation and print- ing of material designed to enlighten the general public in matters of safety and accident prevention, such material to be disseminated through schools, newspapers, magazines, the radio, or any other means of intercourse or communication ; the preparation and attempt s to obt ain ena ctment o f unifo rm vehi cle regu lations in the several States ; clerical assistance for the members of the General Committee of the Accident Prevention Conference ; travel expenses incurred by members of the General Committee of the Accident Prevention Conference in the furtherance of the work of the said confe rence . A pproved, May 28, 1936 . [CHAPTER 471 .] May 28, 1936 .

AN ACT [H . B.11 .i

To incorporate the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States . [Public, No . 630 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Wars of veterans the of United Foreign United States of America in Congress assembled, That the fol lowing State s incorpor ated . persons, to wit : James E . Van Zandt, Altoona_, Pennsylvania ; Incorporators. Bernard K. Kearney, Gloversville, New York ; Scott P. Squyres, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ; Robert B . Handy, Junior, Kansas City, Missouri ; Henry F . Marquard, Chicago, Illinois ; William E. Guthner, Denver, Colorado ; Edward J. Neron, Sacramento, Cali- fornia ; Joseph C . Menendez, New Orleans, Louisiana ; Paul L. Foulk, Altoona, Pennsylvania ; Robert E . Kernodle, Kansas City, Missouri ; Walter I . Joyce, New York City, New York ; George A . Ilg, Crans- ton, Rhode Island ; James F . Daley, Hartford, Connecticut ; Charles R . Haley, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ; F . C . Devericks Clarksburg, West Virginia ; John J . Skillman, Miami, Florida ; Ellie H. Schill, New Orleans, Louisiana ; Gerald C. Mathias, Lagrange, Indiana ; Ja mes W. Starner, Effingham Illinois ; Leon S. Pickens, Wichita, Kansas ; Archie W . Nimens, Minneapolis, Minnesota ; Harvey W . Snyder, Denver, Colorado ; Charles O . Carlston, San Francisco, California ; Walter L. Daniels, Seattle, Washington ; John E . Swaim, Tulsa, Oklahoma ; Peter J . Rosch, Washington, District of Colum- bia ; an d their successors, wh o are, or who may beco me, members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, a national association of men who as soldiers, sailors, and marines have served th is Nati on in wa rs, cam paigns, and exp editions on for eign soi l or in hostile waters, and such national association, are hereby created and declared a body corporate, known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States . Completion of Sao. 2. That the said persons named in section 1, or their suc- organization. cessors, and such other persons as are duly accredited delegates from any local post or State department of the existing national association known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, under its constitution and bylaws, are hereby authorized to meet and to complete the organization of said corporation, by the adoption of a constitution and bylaws, the election of officers, and to do all other things necessary to carry into effect and incidental to, the provisions of this Act .