Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1441

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1396 Ap pro pri at ion au- thor ized f or expe nses . Post, p. 1629. Proviso . Per diem allow ance ; additional to pare, etc. [H . R.9496.]

To prot ect the U nited Sta tes again st loss in the deli very thro ugh the m ails of [Public, No.634 .] checks in p aym ent of benefit s provi ded for by law s admin istered by the Veterans' Administration . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Unite d Sta tes o f Am erica in C ongre ss as sembl ed, That section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the payment of in valid and other pens ions of th e Uni ted S tates for the f iscal year endi ng Ju ne th irtie th, n inete en hu ndred and thirt een, and f or other purposes", approved August 17, 1912 (37 Stat . 312 ; 38 U . S . C ., sec . 50), is hereby amended to read as follows : "SEC . 3 . Pensions, compensation, insurance, or other allowances or benef its p rovid ed fo r by laws admin ister ed by the Veter ans' Admin - istration shall be paid by checks drawn, pursuant to certification by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, by the Division of Disburse- ment of the Treasury Department in such form as to protect the Unite d Sta tes a gains t los s, wi thout sepa rate vouch ers o r rec eipts , and payable by the Treasurer of the United States, except in any case in which the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs may consider a voucher necessary for the protection of the Government . Such checks shall be transmitted by mail to the payee thereof at his last- known address, and the envelope or cover thereof may bear an appropriate notice of the prohibition hereafter set forth in this section . "Postmasters, delivery clerks, letter carriers, and all other postal employees are prohibited from delivering any mail addressed by the United States bearing such notice and containing any such check (except that in the case of checks in payment of allowances and benefits other than pensions, compensation, or insurance, the prohi- bition shall apply only insofar as the Administrator of Veterans" Affairs deems it necessary to protect the United States against loss), to any person whomsoever, if the addressee has died or removed, or in the case of a widow believed by the postal employee intr usted with the deliv ery o f suc h mai l to have remar ried (unle ss such mail is addressed by the United States in the name which the widow shall have acquired by remarriage) ; and the postmaster in every such case shall forthwith return such mail with a statement of the reasons for so doing, and if becau se of death or remarriage, the date thereof, if known. Checks returned as herein provided on account of death or remarriage shall be canceled ." SEC . 2. Section 4 of the Adjusted Compensation Payment Act, 1936, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following paragr aphs : "At the request of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Postmaster General, under such regulations as he may prescribe, shall designate postmasters and other employees of the Post Office Department and Veterans' Adminis- tration. Vol. 37, p. 312 . U.S.C.,p.1627. Checks i ssued for veterans' benefits . Protection against loss. Transmittal bre mail to pareee's last known address . Deliverre of, where add ressee has died or removed, prohibited . Exc eptio n . Wi dow rem arrr ein g . Return of mail with statem ent . Cancelation of re- turned checks. Adjusted Compensa- tio n Parement Act , 1936, amendment . Ante, p.1101. Issuance of bonds. Desi gnation of pos tal emploreees as fiscal agent s . 74T H CONGR ESS. SESS. II. CHS. 481, 482. JUNE 3,1936 . SEC . 2 . For the purpose of defraying the expenses of such band in attending and giving concerts at such celebrations and reunion there is authorized to be appropriated the sum of $11,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions of this Act Provided, That in addition to transportation and Pullman accommo- dations the leaders and members of the Marine Band be allowed not to exceed $5 per day each for actual living expenses w hile on this duty, and that the payment of such expenses shall be in addition to the pay and allowances to which they would be entitled while serv- ing at their permanent station . Approved, June 3, 1936 . June 3, 1936.