Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1446

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 484. JUNE 3, 1936 . and enlisted men at home and ab road, including maintenance of students abroad, except aviation training and submarine training otherw ise ap propri ated f or, $1 90,379 : Provided, That no part of this or any other appropriation contained in this Act shall be avail- able for or on account of any expense incident to giving special educational courses or postgraduate instruction to officers with view to qualifying them or better qualifying them for the performance of duties required to be performed by or in pursuance of law by officers of the Supply Corps, Construction Corps, or Corps of Civil Engineers, except present students and except such officers who are commissioned in such corps or who have not been commissioned in the li ne of the Na vy mor e than three years prior to th e comm ence- ment of such educational courses or postgraduate instruction ; Libraries : For libraries, professional books, textbooks, religious books, periodicals, and newspapers I subs cription s for sh ips and shore stations not otherwise appropriated for, $55,000 ; Welfare and recreation : For welfare and recreation of the Navy, including periodicals and newspapers

' subscr iptions, and not exceed-

ing $2 ,400 f or car e and operat ion of schoo ls at naval statio ns at Guantanamo Bay and Tutuila, for the children of Naval and Marine Corps commissioned, enlisted, and civilian personnel, to be expended in the d iscretio n of the Secreta ry of th e Navy, under s uch regu lations as he may prescribe, $280,000 ; Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps : For all expenses incident to the conduct of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps under such r egulat ions a s the Presid ent ha s pres cribed or he reafte r may prescribe under the provisions of section 22 of the Act approved March 4, 1925 (43 Stat., p. 1276 ; U. S. C., title 34, sec. 821), $84,400, of which $20,000 shall be available immediately : Provided, That uniforms and other equipment or material issued to the Nava l Reserve Officers' Training Corps in accordance with law may be furnis hed fr om sur plus o r rese rve st ocks o f the Navy w ithout pay- ment under this appropriation, except for actual expenses incurred in the manuf acture or is sue ; In all, training, education, and welfare, Navy, $1,570,999 : Pro- vided, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation for employ- ees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carrie d unde r nati ve and alien sched ules i n the Schedu le of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department, exclusive of temporary services, shall not exceed the following amounts, respectively : Naval War College, $77,000 ; Naval Training Station, San Diego, $7,500 ; Naval Trainin Station, Newport, $10,000 ; Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 14,500 ; Naval Train- ing Station, Norfolk, $5,500 ; Instruction, $26,000 ; Libraries, $24,000 ; Welfar e and Recrea tion, $2,500 . STATE MARINE SCHOOLS, ACT OF MARCH 4, 1911 To reimburse the State of California, $25,000 ; the State of Massa- chusetts, $25,000 ; the State of New York, $25,000 ; and the State of Pennsylvania, $25,000, for expenses incurred in the maintenance and support of marine schools in such States as provided in the Act authorizing the establishment of marine schools, and so forth, approved March 4, 1911 (U. S. C., title 34, sec. 1121), and for the maintenance and repair of the particular vessels loaned by the United States to the said States on the date of the approval of this Act for use in connection with such State marine schools, $90,000, and no other vessels shall be furnished by or through the Navy Department ; in all, $190,000. ' So in Original . Provi so . Restriction on spe- cial courses of instruc- tion . Exception. Libraries . 140 1 welfare and recrea- tion. Naval Reserve Offi- cers' Training Corps, operation, etc. Vol.43,p.1276. U.S.C.,p.1564. Proviso . Unifo rms, went, etc . Limitations . equip- Training, education, etc . Proviso . Group IV (h) em- plo yees . State Marine Schools. Reimbursing Califor nia, Massachusetts, New York, and Penn- sylvania for expenses . Vol. 36, p. 1353. U.S.C.,p.1573. Maintenance, etc ., of vessels loaned .