Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1453

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 484. JUNE 3, 1936 . Sale of meals to ofi~- nor the sale of meals to officers by general messes on shore as regu- cers on shore dutre .

lated by detailed instructions from the Navy Department ; Subs iste nce .

Subsistence of naval personnel : For provisions and commuted Provisions, comma- rations for enlisted men of the Navy, which commuted rations may tation of rations, etc. be paid to caterers of messes in case of death or desertion, upon orders of the commanding officers, at 50 cents per diem, and midship- men at 75 cents per diem, and commuted rations stopped on account of sick in hospital and credited at the rate of 70 cents per ration to unavoidablethenavalhospitalfund; subsistence of men unavoidably detained ab senc es,

or absent from vessels to which attached under orders (during which subsistence rations to be stopped on board ship and no credit for Detached dut r e.

commutation therefor to be given) ; quarters and subsistence of men Naval Reserve, etc. on detached duty ; subsistence of members of the Naval Reserve dur- ing period of active service ; subsistence in kind at hospitals and on board ship in lieu of subsistence allowance of female nurses and Navy and Marine Corps general courts-martial prisoners undergoing imprisonment with sentences of dishonorable discharge from the service at the expiration of such confinement ; in all, $18,685,345 ; Transportation . Transportation and recruiting of naval personnel : For mileage and actual and necessary ex p enses and per diem in lieu of subsistence as authorized by law to officers of the Navy wh ile traveling under Atte ndanc e at meet- orders, including not to exceed $2,000 for the expenses of attend- ings. ance, at home and abroad, upon meetings of tech nical, professional, scientific, and other similar organizations, when, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Navy, such attendance would be of benefit in Midshipmen, etc . the conduct of the work of the Navy Department ; for mileage, at 5 cents per mile, to midshipmen entering the Naval Academy while proceeding from their homes to the Naval Academy for examination and appointment as midshipmen, and not more than $2,500 shall be available for transportation of midshipmen, including reimburse- ment of travelin g expens es while travelin g under o rders aft er appointment as midshipmen ; for actual traveling expenses of female Enli sted men . nu rs es ; for travel allowance or f or transportation and subsistence as authorized by law of enlisted men upon disch arge ; tr an sp or ta tio n of enlisted men and apprentice seamen and applicants for enlist- ment at home and abroad, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof ; transportation to their home, if residents of the United States, of enlisted men and apprentice seamen discharged on medical survey, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof ; transportation of sick or insane enlisted men and appr entic e sea men a nd in sane super numer ary p atien ts to hosp itals , with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof ; Apprehending desert- apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for rail- ers, etc . Recruiting . way guides and other expenses incident to trans portation ; e xp ens es of recr uit ing for the na val ser vice ; rent of rendezvous and expenses of maintaining the same ; advertising for and obtaining men and apprentice seamen

actual and necessary expenses in lieu of mileage

Transporting de- to officers on duty with traveling recruiting parties ; transportation pe nde nts . of dependents of officers and enlisted men, including travel had dur- ing the fiscal year 1937, but not in excess of from the last duty sta- Fun eral esco rts . tio n to home, in c onnec tion with retir ement , $1, 235,7 11 ; expenses of funeral escorts of naval personnel ; actual expenses of officers and midshipmen while on shore-patrol d uty, including the hire of auto- mobiles when necessary for the use of shore-patrol detachment : in all, $4,922,519 ; Aggregate ; amount In all for pay, subsistence, and transportation of naval personnel, im medi atel re a vail able . $183,492,981, of which sum $1,000,000 shall be immediately available, and the money herein specifically appropriated for "Pay, subsistence, and t ransporta tion of naval per sonnel" s hall be disbursed and