Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1473

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74Ta CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 489. JUNE 4, 1936. Weather Bureau. WEATHER BUREAU SALARIES AND EXPEN SES Salaries 18 expenses . For carrying into effect in the District of Columbia and elsewhere in the United States, in the West Indies, in the Panama Canal, the Cari bbean Sea, and on ad jacen t coa sts, in th e Haw aiian Isla nds, in Bermuda and in Alaska the provisions of an Act approved October Vol . S 6, p653.

1, 1890 ('U . S . C ., title 15, sees . 311-313, 317), so far as they relate to the weather service transferred thereby to the Department of navigatio n re- ports.

Agriculture, and the amendment thereof contained in section 5 (e) Vol . 4,p.571 .

of the Air Commerce Act of 1926 (U. S. C., title 15, sec. 313), for Personalseroi•es . the empl oymen t of profe ssors of m eteor ology , dis trict fore caste rs, local forecaste rs, meteor ologists, section di rectors, o bservers, appren- tices, operators, skilled mechanics, instrument makers, foremen, assistant foremen, proofreaders, compositors, pressmen, lithog- raphers, folders and feeders, repair men, station agents, messengers, messenger boys, laborers, s pecial observers, display men, and other contingent expenses . necessary employees ; for fuel, gas, electricity, freight and express charges, furniture, stationery, ice, dry goods, twine, mats, oil, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, and washing towels ; for advertising ; for purchase, subsistence, and care of horses and vehicles, the purchase and repair of harness, for official purposes only ; for instruments, shelters, apparatus, storm-warning towers and repairs thereto ; for rent of offices ; for repair, alterations, and improvements to existing bu ildin gs an d car e and pres ervat ion o f gro unds, incl uding the con- struction of necessary outbuildings and sidewalks on public streets, abutting Weather Bureau grounds ; and the erection of temporary buildings for living quarters of observers ; for official traveling Telegraphing, etc . expenses ; for telephone rentals, and for telegraphing, telephoning, and cabling reports and messages, rates to be fixed by the Secretary of Agricult ure by ag reement with the companie s perform ing the service ; for the maintenance and repair of Weather Bureau tele- W~u Issuing forecasts and graph, telephone, and cable lines ; and for every other expenditure required for the establishment, equipment, and maintenance of meteo rolog ical offic es an d sta tions and for t he is suing of w eathe r forecasts and warnings of storms, cold waves, frosts, and heavy snows, th e gaging and meas uring of the flow of river s and the issuing of river forecasts and warnings ; for observations and reports relating to crops ; and for other necessary observations and reports other bureaus, etc .

,d Cooperation with including cooperation with other bureaus of the Government and societies and institutions of learning for the dissemination of meteorological information, as follows Administrative ex- penses. General admini strative expenses : For n ecess ary e xpens es fo r gen - eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $138,280 . service and research. Gal weather General weather service and research

For necessary expenses

incident to collecting and disseminating meteorological, climatologi- cal, and marine information, and for investigat ions in meteorology, clim atolo gy, s eismo logy, evap orati on, a nd ae rolog y in the D istri ct toorestfires . lationship of Columbia and elsewhere, including $3,930 for investigations of the Vol. 45, p. 701.

relationship of weather conditions to forest fires, under section 6 of u.S.C.,p.672.

the Act approved May 22, 1928 (U . S . C ., title 1, sec . 581e), $2,228,- International Met ' 655 of which not to exceed $800 may be expended for the contri- orological Committee;


y contribution.

bution of the Un ited State s to the c ost of the office of the secre tariat of the International Meteorological Committee, and not to exceed Printing office.

$10,000 may be expended for the maintenance of a printing office in the city of Washington for the printing of weather maps . bulle-