Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1492

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 489. JUNE 4, 1936 . Provi ded, That the sum of $125,0 00 sha ll be advan ced fr om the general fund of the Treasury on the first day of the fiscal year to the fo regoing appropri ation, t o be ret urned to the sur plus fun d of the Treasury when the first $125,000 of revenue from the sale of stamps has been received and warranted for the fiscal year 1937 . Total, Bureau of Biological Survey, $1,961,224, of which amount not to exceed $530,620 may be expended for personal services in the Distri ct of Co lumbia, and not to excee d $53,78 5 shall be avail able for the purchase of inotor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of field work outside the District of Columbia : Provided, That the appropriation of $6,000,000 contained in title VII of the Act of June 15, 1935 (49 Stat ., p . 384), shall be available for the maintenance, repair, and operation of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and not to exceed $4,200 thereof may be expended for the purchase of such vehicles, which said sum shall be immediately available for such purpose . BU REAU OF PU BLIC RO ADS For necessary expenses of the Bureau of Public Roads, including salari es and t he emplo yment of labor i n the ci ty of Wa shington and elsewh ere, sup plies, o ffice an d labora tory fix tures an d appara tus, traveling, and other necessary expenses ; for conducting research and investigational studies, either independently or in cooperation with State highway departme nts, or other ag encies, includin g studie s of highway administration, legislation, finance, economics, transport, construction, operation, maintenance, utilization, and safety, and of street and highway traffic control ; investigations and experiments in the best me thods of road ma king, es pecially by the use of l ocal materials ; studies of types of mechanical plants and appliances used for road building and maintenance and of methods of road repair and maintenance suited to the needs of different localities


maintenance and repairs of experimental highways, including the purchase of materials and equipment ; for furnishing expert advice on these subjects ; for collating, reporting, and illustrating the results of same ; and for preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins and re ports ; to b e paid f rom any moneys a vailable from th e admin- istrative funds provided under the Act of July 11, 1916 (39 Stat ., pp . 355-359), as amended, or as otherwise provided. FEDERA L-AID HIGHWAY SYSTEM For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construc- tion of rural post roads, and for other purposes", approved July 11, 1916 (39 Stat ., pp . 355-359), and all Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, to be expended in accordance with the pro- visions of said Act, as amended, including not to exceed $556,000 for departmental personal services in the District of Columbia, $60,000,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended, which sum is part of the sum of $125,000,000 authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year 1936, by section 4 of the Act approved June 18, 1934 (48 Stat ., 994) : Provided, That none of the mone y herein appropr iated sh all be p aid to a ny State on acco unt of any project on which convict labor shall be employed, except this provision shall not apply to convict labor performed by convicts on parole or probation : Provide d furth er, That not to exceed $45,000 of the funds provided for carrying out the provisions of the Federal Highway Act of November 9, 1921 (U . S. C., title 23, sees. 21 and 23), 1447 Pro viso . Adv ance ; reparement . Total . Services in the Dis- tr ict. Purchase of vehicles for field work . Pro viso . Fu nd available for vehicles . Ante, p . 384 . Public Roads Bu- reau . Salaries and expenses . Road making experi- me nts, etc . Post, p . 1892. Vol . 39, p. 356;Vol. 42, p . 212. U.S .C.,P.969. Fe der al-A id high - wares . Cooperating with States in constructing rural post roads . Vol . 39, p . 355;Vol. 40,p.1201;Vol .42,pp . 6 60, 1157 ; Vol . 43, p . 889 ; Vol . 44, pp . 760, 1398. U.S.C.,p.969. Amount im medi - atelre available. Vol .48,p.994. Provisos . Convict labor . Ve hicl es . Vol.42,p .217. U.S.C.,p.972.