Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1552

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHS. 546, 547. JUNE 15, 1936 .

150 7 of the Smithsonian Institution are authorized to permit said national organizatio n to deposit its collection s, manuscript s, books, pam phlets, and other material for history in the Smithsonian Institution or in the Nat ional Mu seum, at their d iscretio n, upon such con ditions and under such rules as they shall prescribe . Approved, June 15, 1936 . [CH APTE R 547 .] AN ACT June 15, 1936 . To make provision for the care and treatment of members of the National Guard, [S . 3334 .] Organi zed Reser ves, Rese rve Offic ers' Train ing Corps , and Cit izens' Mi litary

[Public, No.677.] Traini ng Camps who are i njured or contract disease w hile enga ged in mi litary training, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f Amer ica in Con gre ss asse mbl ed, That officers, war- National cuaru, etc. rant officers, and enlisted men of the National Guard who suffer care of sick and u r- ,

j ured en r oute to, personal injury or contract disease in line of duty while en route to ing,, or retu rnin g froui military training, or from or during their attendance at encampments, maneuvers, or other ex ercises, or a t service scho ols, under th e provisions of sections 94, 97, and 99 of the National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as Vol. 39, p. 206; IT. S. amended ; members of the Officers' Reserve Corps and of the Enlisted c .,pp.1435,1440. Reserve Corps of the Army and members of the National Guard of the Uni ted Stat es who s uffer in jury or contract disease in line of duty while on active duty under proper orders in time of peace ; and Benefits to include pe rsons he reinbefo re descr ibed who may Dow be unde rgoing h ospital th ose t . undergoing l


treatment . treatment at Government expense for injuries so sustained


under such regulations as the President may prescribe, be entitled, at Gove rnment e xpense, to such hospital ization, rehospi talizati on, medical and surgical care, in hospi tal and at th eir homes, as is neces- sary for the appropriate treatment of such injury or disease, until the disability resulting from such injury or disease cannot be mate- rially improved by further hospitalization or treatment, and during the period of such hospitalization or rehospitalization, but not for Applic ation o f provi - sion limited . more than an aggregate of six months after the termination of the prescribed tour of active duty or training in any case to the pay and allowances, whether in money or in kind, that they were entitled to receive at the time such injury was suffered or disease contracted, and to the necessary transportation incident to such hospitalization and rehospitalization and return to their homes when discharged from hospital ; and for any period of hospitalization or rehospitali- zation when they are not entitled to pay and allowances under the preceding provision . they shall be entitled to subsistence at Govern- Subsi sten ce . me nt expense . Officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the Injuries incurred in aeria l flights . National Guard who suffer personal injury (as distinguished from Nati ona l Guard . disease ) in lin e of dut y when p articipa ting in aerial f lights p re- scribed under the provisions of section 92 of said National Defense Vol . 39, p, 206; U. S. Act as amended shall, under regulations prescribed as aforesaid, be C ., p .1435. entitled to the same hospitalization, rehospitalization, medical and surgical care, pay and allowances, and transportation, as if such injury had been suffered while in line of duty during their attendance at enca mpments, maneuve rs, or o ther exe rcises, or servi ce schoo ls, under the aforementioned sections 94, 97.or 99 of the National Def ens e Act of Ju ne 3, 191 6, as amended ; and members of the officers'Reserve Co rps and Enlisted Officers' Reserve Corps and Enlisted Reserve Corps of the Army r eserve corps, Army. who suffe r person al injur y (as di stinguis hed from diseas e) in li ne of duty while voluntarily participating, when not on active duty, in aerial flights in Gover nment-ow ned airc raft by proper a uthority as an incident to their military training, shall, under regulations pre- scribed as aforesaid, be entitled to the same hospitalization, rehos- pitalization, medical and surgical care, pay and allowances, and