Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1597

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74 TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 630 . JUNE 20, 1936 . Statutes at Large, To the Depar tment of St ate, inclu ding t hose for the use of distribution-Contd .


g embassies, legations, and consulates, not to exceed six hundred copies ; To the Treasury Department, including those for the use of offi- cers of customs, not to exceed three hundred copies ; To the War Department, not to exceed two hundred copies ; To the Navy Department, not to exceed one hundred copies ; To the Department of the Interior, including those for the use of the United States Supervisors of Surveys and registers and receivers of public-land offices, not to exceed three hundred copies ; To the Post Office Department, not to exceed fifty copies ; To the Department of Justice, including those for the judges and the officers of the United States and Territorial courts, not to exceed eight hundred copies ; To the Department of Ag riculture, not to exceed on e hundred copies ; To the Department of Commerce, not to exceed one hundred copies

To the Department of Labor, including those for the officers of the Immigra tion a nd Natu ralizat ion Se rvice, not to exceed one hu ndred and seventy-five copies ; To the government of th e Philippine Islands, at Ma nila, ten copies ; To the offices of the Governors of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, an d the Virgin Islands each, two co pies ; To the office of the Governor of the Panama Canal, three copies ; To the library o f the cou rt of la st resort of each State, T erritory, and insular possession, and of the District of Columbia, each, one co To

each designated depository library in each State, Territory, and insular possession, one copy ; To each independent office and establishment of the Government now in Washington, District of Columbia, or which hereafter may be created, not to exceed six copies ; and To the library of the municipal government of the District of Columbi a, the Naval Observa tory, and the Smiths onian Institu tion, each, one copy . In addition to the foregoing the Public Printer shall print one thousand two hundred copies of the Statutes at Large, of which three hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate and nine hundred copies for the use of the House of Representatives . The "usual number" shall not be printed . Pamphlet copies of SEC . 10 . That so much of chapter 23, section 73 (28 Stat. 614), of stV 28 Piss4t`nued . the Printing Act, approved January 12, 1895, as relates to the pub- u.s.c.,p.1943. lication and distribution of pamphlet copies of the statutes of each session of Congress (U . S . C ., title 44, sec . 195), be, and is hereby, repealed . Title VII, TITLE VII Ownership of Gov .

OWNERSHIP OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS ernment publications . Vol. 28, p. 620. U. S. C.,p. 1935. Custody, etc. SEC. 11. That chapter 23, section 74 (28 Stat . 620), of the Printing Act, approved January 12, 1895 (U . S . C ., title 44, sec. 92), relating to the ownership of publications furnished Government officers for official use, be, and is hereby, amended to read as follows : 92. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS SHALL REMAIN PUBLIC PROPERTY : All Government publications furnished by authority of law to officers (except membe rs of C ongress ) of t he Unit ed Stat es Gov ernment , for their official use, shall be stamped "Property of the United States Government", and shall be preserved by such officers and by them delivered to their successors in office as a part of the property apper-