74 TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 646. JUNE 20, 1936 . and marketing of the representative major products manufactured from such farm products, including - "(1) The capitalization and assets of such corporations and the means and sources of the growth o f such c apitaliz ation a nd asset s ; "(2) The investment, costs, profits, and rates of return of such corporati ons ; "(3) The salaries of the officers of such companies ; and "(4) The extent to which said corporations avoid income taxes, if at all, and th e extent to w hich officers receiving suc h salaries pa id income taxes thereon . "Third . The extent of concentration of control and of monopoly in the manufacturing, processing, warehousing, distribution, and marketing of representative major farm products, and of table and juice grapes, fresh fruits and vegetables, which is maintained or has been obta ined by any corp oration or other organiz ation, includin g- "( 1) Methods and devices used by such corporations for obtaining and maintaining their control or monopoly of the manufacturing, marketing, processing, warehousing, and distribution of such com- modities, and the proportion of any such major farm commodity, and of table and juice grapes, fresh fruits and vegetables, handled by each of the large units involved ; and "( 2) The extent to which fraudulent, dishonest, unfair, intimidat- ing, and injurious methods are employed in the grading, warehous- ing, and transportation of such farm products, and of table and juice grapes, fresh fruits, and vegetables, including combinations, monop- olies, price fixing, and manipulation of prices on the commodity exchanges , and by rackete ering an d so-cal led auct ion mar kets . "Fo urth . The extent to which the co ope rat ive agencies have entered into the processing, warehousing, and marketing of repre- sentative major farm products, and of table and juice grapes, fresh fruits, and vegetables, and the general effects of such cooperative agencies upon the producer and consumer ." SEC. 2 . That section 5 of the said joint resolution be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the figures "150,000" and inserting the figures "300,000" . SEC. 3 . That section 6 of the said joint resolution be, and the same is hereby, amended by stri king out all the reof and by subs tituting in lieu of the said section the following : "SEc. 6 . The Federal Trade Commission is directed to present a final report to the Congress in respect to such principal farm prod- ucts a nd suc h repr esent ative produc ts ma nufact ured t herefr om, together with recommendations for legislation not later than October 1, 1936, and a further report to the Congress in respect to table and juice grapes, fresh fruits, and vegetables, together with recom- mendations for legislation on or before January 31, 1937, and a final report in respect to the said last mentioned products, together with any further recommendations, not later than May 31, 1937. "It is hereby further provided that any unexpended balance of the ap propri ation of $1 50,000 made in th e Inde penden t Offi ces Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936 1 in accordance with the authority contained in Public Resolution Numbered 61, Seventy- fourth Congress, first session, is hereby made available for like purpose t o and in cluding October 1, 1936 ." Approved, June 20, 1936 .
- ' So
in original . 1567 Extent of monopoly in manufacturing, mar. keti ng, etc., of major fa rm products, fruits, and vege tabl es . Methods us ed to co n- trol, etc . Extent to which in- jurious methods are employed. Extent of coop erative agencies . Aut hor iz ati on in- creased . Reports to Congress . Ante, p. 1256. Unexpended balance available . Ante, pp . 929, 1111 .