Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1627

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 688. JUNE 22, 1936. Saint Louis County, Saint Louis County Drainage and Levee District, Missouri Mo. Rais ing and enlargi ng existing lev ee system to i mprove protecti on ; special report on record in Of fice of the Chi ef of Engineer s ; est i- mated construction cost, $259,000 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $20,00 0 . Mo .iedmer Chemicals, Wiedmer Chemicals Drainage and Levee District, Missouri : Raising and enl arging existing levee system t o improve prot ection ; special report on record in Of fice of the Chi ef of Eng~neer s ; esti- mated construction cost, $76,500 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $1,500 . District IIsland, Iowa, Green Island Levee and Drainage District Numbered 1, Iowa Raising and enl arging existing levee system t o improve prot ection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; esti- mated construction cost, $68,000. District 1 County, Ill ., Carroll County Levee an d Drainage Dis trict Numbered 1, Illinois Raising and enl arging existing levee system t o improve prot ection ; special report on record in Of fice of the Chi ef of Engineer s ; est i- mated construction cost, $13,200 . Heith sburg, Ill. Keithsburg Drainage District, Illinois : Raising and enlarging existing levee system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $11,000. Henderson County, Hend erson County Draina ge Dis trict N umbere d 3, Il linoi s : Rais- Ill ., District 3 . ing and enlarging existing system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated con- struction cost, $13,600 . Green Bay, Iowa, Green Ba y Levee and Drai nage District N umbered 2, Iowa : District 2 . Raising and enlarging exis ting levee syst em to improve p rotection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estim ated c onstruc tion c ost, $ 100,00 0 . Gregory, Mo. Gregory Drainage District, Missouri : Raising and enlarging exist- ing levee system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $44,400. Fabius River, Mo. Fabius River Drainage District, Missouri : Raising and enlarging existing levee system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $82,000 . South Quincy, Ill. South Quincy Drainage and Levee District, Illinois : Raising and enlarging existing levee system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $46,000 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $500 . South River, Mo. South River Drainage District, Missouri : Raising and enlarging existing levee system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, , Sny Island, 111 . $37,000 Sny Island Levee District, Illinois : Raising and enlarging existing levee system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $71,000 . Rive rland , Mo . Riverland Levee District, Missouri : Raising and enlarging exist- ing levee system to improve protection ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $73 ,000 . Dry Run Reservoir, Dry Run Reservoir near Decorah, Iowa : For flood protection of Iowa . people and city property ; special report on record in Office of the Chief of Engineers ; estimated construction cost, $91,000 ; estimated cost of lands and damages, $29,000 . Red River of the

RED RIVER OF THE NORTH BASIN North basin . Lake Traverse and Lake Traverse and Bois De Sioux River South Dakota : Reservoir Bois De Sioux River, S. Dak.

for flood protection of agricultural communities, water conservation,