Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1668

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 689. JUNE 22, 1936 .

1623 Ackia National Memorial Commission and Battleground National Ackia National Me- morial Commission Monument : The unexpended balance of the appropriation to carry and Battleground Na- out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the

Na- tonal Monument, commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the Battle of at aalance reappropri- Ackia, Mississippi, and the establishment of the Ackia Battleground Ante, pp . 897, 1119. National Monument, and for other purposes", approved August 27, 1935, contained in the Supplemental Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936, is continued available for the fiscal year 1937 in order to provide for the commemoration during that year of the two- hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Ackia . Salaries and general expenses, public buildings and grounds in the Public buildings and District of Columbia : For an additional amount for administration gro un ds ,

n. ce, aintenan, et c . protection, maintenance, and improvement, of public buildings, monu- ments, memorials, and grounds in the District of Columbia, under the juris dictio n of t he Nat ional Park S ervice , incl uding the sa me objects specified under this head in the Department of the Interior Ante, p. 210. Appropriation Act, 1936, $2,041,890, of which sum $1,150,000 shall remain available until June 30, 1937 . OFFICE OF EDUCATION

Office of Education . Promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in Vocational rehabili- tation, Hawaii . industry in Hawaii : For extending to the Territory of Hawaii the benefits of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion c Vol.21,p.735; U.S. of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry, and so forth", approved June 2, 1920, as amended, in accordance with the .43 provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to extend the provisions of c .vp . 910, n' 18; u. S. certain laws to the Territory of Hawaii", approved March 10, 1924, $833 . GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES

Government in the Territories. Insane of Alaska : For an additional amount for care and custody Alaska . Care of insa ne. of persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including the same objects and for the same service s specif ied in t he Inte rior Dep artment Ante, p. 213. Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, $1,250 .

Roads, bridges, trails, Construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, and trails, Alaska


For an addit ional amount for t he rep air an d main tenanc e of r oads, tramways, ferries, bridges, and trails, Territory of Alaska, in replace- Equipment lost at ment of equipment lost at sea, to be expended under the provisions ce Vol . 47, p. 446; U. of Public Resolution Numbered 218, approved June 30, 1932, $36,000 . s . c., p. 2128. Territory of Hawaii : Not to exceed $125 of the amount specified Hawaii . .

etc . in the appropriation for contingent expenses, Territory of Hawaii, fiscal year 1936, for traveling expenses of the Governor while absent from the capital on official business, contained in the Department of Inter ior Ap propri ation Act fo r the fiscal year 1936, is her eby Ante, p.214. made available for stationery, postage, and incidentals . Temporary Government for the Virgin Islands

For an additional

Va Vir inn C lands.defray. am ount f or def raying the d eficit in th e trea sury o f the munici pal ing d ficiit . 214 Ante, p. . government of Saint Croix because of the excess of current expenses ov er curre nt reven ues for the fisc al year 1936, $2 5,000 . For household equipment and furnishings necessary for Govern- Government House, ment House at Saint Croix, fiscal years 1936 and 1937, $5,000 .

furnishings, etc. HOWARD UN IVE RSI TY Howard University . Of the amounts provided for general expenses, Howard University, feSal ies

funds trans-

in the Department of Interior Appropriation Acts, fiscal years 1936 Ante, p . 216, and 1937, sums of not to exceed $52,000 for the fiscal year 1936 and no t to exc eed $65, 000 for the fisc al year 1937, ar e hereb y made a vail- Post, p. 1803. able for transfer to the appropriation for salaries, Howard Univer- sity, fiscal years 1936 and 1937, respectively .