Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/169

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74TH CO NGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 54. APRIL 9, 1935. quarters and rations, movement of materiel, maintenance, and opera- tion of str uctures and u tiliti es, an d any o ther r equisi te sup plies and services, $446,774 . Welfare of enlisted men. Equipment, etc ., post exchanges. Finance Depar tment . WELFARE OF ENLISTED MEN For the equipment and conduct of school, reading, lunch, and amusement rooms, service clubs, chapels, gymnasiums, and libraries, including pe riodicals and other publicati ons and subscri ptions for newspapers, salaries of civilians employed in the hostess and library services, transportation of books and equipment for these services, rental of films, purchase of slides for and making repairs to moving- picture outfits, and for similar and other recreational purposes at training and mobilization camps now established or which may be hereafter established, $34,940. FINANCE DEPARTMENT Pay, etc ., of the


For pay of not to exceed an average of twelve thousand commis- Limitation.

sio ned offi cers , $33,30 7,100, no part of which sum sh all be availab le after September 30, 1935, for the pay of more than eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty commissioned officers whose original com- Natio nal G uard . miss ions are dat ed p rior to June 1, 1935 ; pay of officers, National Aviati on in crease . Guard, $100 ; pay of warrant officers, $1,479,568 ; aviation increase to commissioned and warrant officers of the Army, including not to exceed five medical officers, $2,033,029, none of which shall be Fli g hts fo r non flying available fo r increased pa y for making ae rial flights by nonflying officers . officers at a rate in excess of $1,440 per annum, which shall be the Longevity . legal maximum rate as to such nonflying officers ; additional pay Enlisted men .

to officers for length of service, $9,257,465 ; pay of enlisted men of the Post, p.1282. line and staff, not including the Philippine Scouts, $51,069,333, t o - gether with such additional sums as may be necessary, not exceeding $20,0 00,000 , to de fray t he cos t of i ncreasi ng the enlis ted st rength of the Regular Army from an average of one hundred and eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty to an average of one hundred and sixty-five thousand enlisted men, such additional sums to be avail- able for the objects embraced by and in addition to other appro- priations contained in this Act ; pay of enlisted men of National Aviati on in crease . Guard, $100 ; aviation increase to enlisted men of the Army, $508,782 ; pay of enlisted men of the Philippine Scouts, $1,050,447 ; additional pay for leng th of service to enlisted men , $4,4 80,40 0 ; pay of the Retired officers, etc . officers on the retired list, $11,538,900 ; increased pay to not to exceed seven retired officers on active duty, $9,600 ; pay of retired enlisted Civil- servi ce mes sen- men , $13,201,160 ; pay not to exceed sixty civil-service messen- gers at he adqua rters . gers at not to exceed $1,200 each at headquarters of the several Territorial departments, c orps areas, Arm y and corps hea dquarters, Territorial districts, tactical divisions and brigades, service schools, camps, and ports of embarkation and debarkation, $72,000 ; pay and Contract surgeons, allowances of contract surgeons, $51,576 ; pay of nurses, $893,560 ; nurses, etc. Rental allowance. pay of hospital matrons, $600 ; rental allowances, including allow- ances for quarters for enlisted men on duty where public quarters Provisos . No allowance if oc- are not available, $6,238,656 : Provided, That during the fiscal year cupying quarters at ending June 30, 1936, no rental allowance shall accrue to any officer permanent station . U. S. C.,p. 1619. of the Government in consequence of the provisions found in section 10, title 37, United States Code, while occupying quarters at his per- manent station not under the jurisdiction of the service in which serving but which belong to the Government of the United States, or to a corporation the majority of the stock of which is owned by the