Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1690

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74 TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH . 689. JU NE 22, 1936 .

1645 For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $2,597 .12. For pay of the Navy, $103 .25. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $1 .35 . For maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, $89 .06. For aviation, Navy, $42,629 .89 . For pa y, Marine Corps, $111.94 . For general expenses, Marine Corps, $73.82. For judgments, bounty for destruction of enemy's vessels, $53 .52. For prize money to captors, Spanish War, trust fund, $138 .52. Treasury Department : For collecting the revenue from customs, me mwy Depart- $331 .72 . For Coast Guard, $76 .75. For fuel and water, Coast Guard, $75. For outfits, Coast Guard, $176 . For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $4,075 .99 . For rebuilding and repairing stations, and so forth, Coast Guard, $1,000. For repairs to Coast Guard vessels, $462 .33 . For collecting the internal revenue, $109 .70 . For refunding taxes illegally collected, $128 .69 . For pay of other employees, Publi c Health Service, $20 . 6 2 . For general expenses of public buildings, $6 .25 . For operating supplies for public buildings, $89 .35 . For contingent expenses, Office of Director of the Mint, $1 .98 . For pay of p ersonnel and main tenance of hospit als, Public Healt h Serv ice, $6 .11 . War Department : For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $5,141 .52. W, Department For pay of the Army, $2,797:39 . For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $877 .02 . For Army transportation, $479 .76. For barracks and quarters, $132 .57. For Ordnance service and supplies, Army, $251 .33 . For supplies , services, and t ransportation, Qu artermaster Corps , $29.43 . For clothing and equipage, $60 .45. For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $810 .47. For incident al expenses of th e Army, $4 .72 . For replacin g clothing and eq uipage, $115 . 5 4 . For replacing ordnance and ordnance stores, $3 .56 . For subsistence of the Army, $69 .13 . For acquisition of land, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, $100 . For Air Corps, Army, $75 . For Organized Reserves, $11 .12 . For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $412 .22 . For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $72 .75 . For pay of National Guard for armory drill s, $30 . For arms, uniforms, equipment, and so forth, for field service, National Guard, $221 .06 . For recreation fund, Army, trust fund, $302 .21 . For seacoast defenses , Panama Canal, $ 72,473 . 5 2 . Post Office Departm ent-Po stal Se rvice (out of the post al re v- mact Oi a Dep art- enues)

F or ci ty-del ivery carr iers, $509 . 08 .

For clerks, first- and second-class post offices, $469 .97. For compensation to p ostmasters, $1,40 6 . 9 2 . For indemnities, domestic mail, $10 .14 . For indemnities, international mail, $116 .58 . For post-office equipment and supplies, $44 .70 . For railroad transportation and mail messenger service, $249 .95. For Railway Mail Service, salaries, $114 .60 .