Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1808

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74TH C ONGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 691. JUNE 22, 1936.

ii63 and taxable . $250,000 : Provided, That payments to the counties Pro viso . Limitation . shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury Vol.48,p.1227. in accordance with sect ion 4 of t he Permane nt Appropr iation Rep eal Ac t, 1934 . Payment to Oklahoma from royalties, oil and gas, south half of Oil and gas royalties . Red River : For payment of 37 1/2 per centum of the royalties derived hma went to o> la- from the south half of Red River in Oklahoma under the provisions lot 42, , u.s.c, P. 1448 . p . 132 1aso . of the Act of March 4, 1923 (U. S. C., title 30. sec. 233), which shall be paid to the State of Oklahoma in lieu of all State and local taxes upon tribal funds accruing under said Act, to be expended by the State in the same manner as if received under section 35 Vol. 41, p . 4 a 4 4 f of the Act approved February 25, 1920 (U . S . C., title 30, sec . 191), $11,000 : Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the Proviso . . aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with Vorl . '48, p. 1227. section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS SALARIES GENERAL EXPENSES Indian Af fa irs Bu- reau . For the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and other personal services Commissioner and in the District of Columbia, $493,770 .

office personnel . General expenses. For transportation and incidental expenses of officers and clerks Travelin g, etc ., ex- of the Bureau of Indian Affairs when traveling on official duty ; penses' for ra dio, teleg raph, and telephone toll mess ages on bu siness per - R adio, etc., tolls . taining to the Indian Service sent and received by the Bureau of Indian Affairs at Washington, and for other necessary expenses of the Indian Service for which no other appropriation is available, $34,000 . For adv ertising, inspectio n, storag e, and al l other ex penses in cident S uppli es

pu rcha se, to the purchase of goods and supplies for the Indian Service and transportation, etc . for pa yment of r ailroad, p ipe-line, and other transport ation cost s of such goods and supplies, $685,000 : Provided, That no part of Restriction on pay- this appropriation shall be used in payment for any services except ments . bill therefore is rendered within one year from the time the service is performed . For pay of judges of Indian courts where tribal relations now cluudges, Indian exi st, at rat es to be f ixed by th e Commissi oner of In dian Affai rs, $15,000. For pay and expenses of Indian police, including chiefs of police P olice . at not to exceed $100 per month eac h and priv ates at no t to excee d $75 per month each, to be employed in maintaining order, and for purcha se of equi pment and supplies, $117,390 . For the suppression of the traffic in intoxicating liquors, marihuana, etc up pressing ing liquor, and deleterious drugs among Indians, $75,000. For lease, purchase, repair, and improvement of agency buildings, A gency relae . For

of hospital buildings, including the purchase of necessary pair, » eec. 1620. lands and the installation, repair, and improvement of heating, light- ing, power, and sewerage and water systems in connection therewith, $159,200, of which amount $10,000 shall be immediately available . For expenses of organizing Indian chartered corporations, or other Tri bal organizations, expenses . tribal organizations, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of eol . 48, p.986. June 18 > 1934 (48 Stat ., p . 986), including m pers ona l se rvic es, pur chas e U, 'I . C .,p.1032. of equipment and supplies, not to exceed $10 .000 for printing and binding, and other necessary expenses, $160,000, of which not to exceed $41,060 may be used for personal services in the District of Columbia .