Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/181

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136 Ordnance Depart- ment. Ordnance service and supplies . Manufacture, issue , etc . Current expenses. Vehic les . Ammunition for mili- tary salutes . Machine testing. Publications . Con sul ting eng ine ers . Rock Island, Ill . Operating bridges, etc . Arsenals. Repairs, etc. Post, p. 1641. Raritan Arsenal. Gages, dies, and jigs . Procuring, for arma- ment ma nufact ure . Vol. 39, p. 215. U.S. C.,p. 2264. Chemical Warfare Service . Purchase, manufac- ture, etc., of gases. Plants, buildings, machinery, etc. 74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 54. APRIL 9, 1935. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ORDNANCE SERVICE AND SUPPLIES, ARMY For manufac ture, procur ement, stor age, and iss ue, includin g res earch, pla nning, des ign, devel opment, ins pection, t est, alter ation, maintenance, repair, and handling of ordnance material together with the machinery, supplies, and services necessary thereto ; for supplies and services in connection with the general work of the O rdna nce Depa rtme nt, com pris ing pol ice and office duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, advertising, stationery, typewriting, and computing machines, including their exchange, and furniture, tools, and instruments of service ; to provide for training and other incidental expenses of the ordnance service ; for instruction purposes, other than tuition ; for the purchase, completely equipped, of trucks, an d for maint enanc e, rep air, and op erati on of motor -prope lled and horse-drawn freight and passenger-carrying vehicles ; for ammu- nition for military salutes at Government establishments and institutions to which the issues of arms for salutes are authorized ; for services, material, tools, and appliances for operation of they te sting machi nes a nd che mical labor atory in co nnect ion th erewi th ; for publications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, including the Ordnance Office, including subscriptions to periodicals ; for services of not more than four consulting engineers as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, at rates of pay to be fixed by him not to exceed $50 per day for not exceeding fifty days each, and for their necessary traveling expenses, $15,151,622. ROCK ISLAND BRIDGE, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS For operating, repair, and preservation of Rock Island bridges and viaduct, and maintenance and repair of the arsenal street connecting the bridges, $32,835 . REP AIRS OF A RSEN ALS F or rep airs and im prove ments of or dnance esta blishm ents, and t o meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies may requi re, $ 1,068, 186, of whi ch am ount t here shall be av ailabl e immediately $265,368 for the restoration of roofs to , m ag az in e s at Raritan Arsenal . GA GES, DIES , AND JIG S FOR MA NIIF ACIUR E For the development and procurement of gages, dies, jigs, and other special aids and appliances, including specifications and detailed drawings, to carry out the purpose of section 123 of the National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916 (U. S . C ., title 50, sec. 78), $79,530 . CHE MICAL WA RFARE SER VICE For purchase, manufacture, and test of chemical warfare gases or other toxic substances, gas masks, or other offensive or defensive materials or appliances required for gas-warfare purposes, includ- ing all necessary investigations, research, design, experimentation, and operation connected therewith ; purchase of chemicals, special scientific and technical apparatus and instruments ; construction, maintenance, and repair of plants, buildings, and equipment, and the machinery therefor ; receiving, storing, and issuing of supplies, com- pr ising poli ce an d off ice d uties , rent s, to lls, fuels , gas oline , lub rican ts, pai nts and oi ls, rope a nd cordage , light, wa ter, adver tising, st ation- ery, typewriting and adding machines including their exchange,