Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/185

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140 Provisos. Specifications for mo- tor vehicles . Replacement of dam- aged pro pert y, e tc. Vol. 39, p. 204; Vol. 43, p. 1077. U.S.C.,p.1433. Vol. 39, p. 199; Vol. 42, p. 1034 . U.S.C.,p.1431. Restriction . Balances covered in . Vol.48,p. 1227. Clothing, equipment, etc ., from Army sur- plus stores . Vol. 39, p. 199; Vol. 45, p. 406. U.S.C.,p.1431. Issue without charge against fund. No increase of mount- ed, etc ., units . Provi so. Participation in Na- tional Rifle Matches . Allowances. Organize d Reserv es . Officers' Reserve Corps. Provisos. Mileage allowance. Enlisted Reserve Cor ps . Correspondence, etc ., courses . Training manuals . Establishment, etc., headquarters and train- ing camps. Vehi cles . Travel expenses. 74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 54. APRIL 9, 1935 . $1,500,000 shall be available immediately : Provided, That specifica- tions for motor vehicles, which shall be so drawn as to admit of competition, shall to the extent otherwise practicable conform with the requirements of the National Guard as determined by the Chief of the N ational Guard Bureau : Pro vid ed fur the r, That the value of issues made to any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to replace property surveyed in accordance with section 87, National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, as amended, shall not be charged to the apportionme nts required by section 67 of that Act, but no such replacement issue shall be made in excess of receipts theretofore collected and covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts pursuant to said section 87, as amended, and section 4 (a) and (b) (22) of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act of June 26, 1934 : Provi ded f urthe r, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to issue surplus or reserve stores and material on hand and pur- chased for the United States Army such articles of clothing and equipment and Field Artillery, Engineer, and Signal material and ammunition as may be needed by the National Guard organized under the provi sion of the Act entitled "An A ct for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes ", approved June 3, 1916 (U . S . C ., title 32, see . 21), as amend ed . This issue sh all be made wit hout charge aga inst militia appropriations except for actual expenses incident to such issue . No appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for any expense for or on account of a larger number of mounted units and wagon and service companies of the National Guard than were in existence on June 30, 1932 : Provided, That officers, war- rant officers, and enlisted men of the National Guard and Organized Reserves, who, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, volunteer to participate without pay as competitors in the National Rif le Matches to be held during the fiscal year 1936, may attend such matches without pay, notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, but shall be entitled to travel and subsist- ence allowances at the same rates as are provided for civilians who attend and participate in said matches . ORG ANI ZED RESERVES For pay and allowances of members of the Officers' Reserve Corps on active duty in accordance with law ; mileage, reimbursement of actual traveling expenses, or per diem allowances in lieu thereof, as auth orized by law : Prov ide d, That the mil eage a llowan ce to members of the Officers' Reserve Corps when called into active service for training for fifteen days or less shall not exceed 4 cents p e r m i l e ; pay, t ransportation, subsistence, c lothing, and me dical and hospital treatment of members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps ; conducting correspondence or extension courses for instruction of members of the Reserve Corps, including necessary supplies, pro- curement of maps and textbooks, and transportation and traveling expenses of employees ; purchase of training manuals, including Government publications and blank forms, subscriptions to maga- zines and periodicals of a professional or technical nature ; estab- lishment, maintenance, and operation of divisional and regimental headquarters and of camps for training of the Organized Reserves ; for miscellaneous expenses incident to the administration of the Organized Reserves, including the maintenance and operation of mot or-p rope lled pas seng er-c arry ing vehi cles ; for th e actua l and necessary expenses, or per diem in lieu thereof, at rates authorized by law, incu rred by office rs and enlisted men of the Reg ular Army traveling on duty in connection with the Organized Reserves, and