Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1883

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1838 Vol. 24, p . 227. U.S.C.,p.1366. Secret Service Divi- sion . Chief, and office per- sonn el . Suppressing counter feiting, etc . Pr otec ting the Pre si- dent, etc. Ante, p. 1322. Salaries : For the Chief of the Division and other personal serv- ic es in the Dis trict of Col umbia, $53,1 60 . Suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes : For expenses incurred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detecting, arresting, anc. delivering into the cus- tody of the United States marshal having jurisdi ction dealers a nd pretended dealers in counterfeit money and ersons engaged in coun terfeiting, for ging, and alter ing United Sta tes notes, bond s, national-bank notes, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, and other obligations and securities of the United States and of f oreign governme nts, as well as the coins of the United Stat es and of foreign governments, and other crimes against the laws of the United States relating to the Treasury Department and the several branches of the public service under its control ; purchase (not to exce ed $25,000), e xchange, hire, maintenance, re pair, and oper ation of motor- propelled passe nger . c arr yin g veh icl es whe n n ec- essary ; purchase of arms and ammunition ; traveling expenses ; and for no other purpose whatsoever, except in the performance of other duties specifically authorized by law, and in the protection of the person of the President and the members of his immediate family and of the person chosen to be President of the United States, $850,000 : Provided, That no part of the amount herein appropriated shal l be used in de fraying the exp enses of any p erson subpenaed by the United States courts to attend any trial before a United States cour t or preliminar y examination b efore any Unit ed States commi s- sioner, which expenses shall be paid from the appropriation for "Fees of witnesses and jurors, United States courts" : Provided fur- ther, That of the amount herein appropriated, not to exceed $10,000 may be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury for the purpose of securing information concerning violations of the laws relating to the Treasury Department, and for services or information looking toward the apprehension of criminals . white House police .

White House police : Captain, lieutenant, three sergeants, and for fifty-five privates, at rates of pay provided by law ; in all, $146,700 . For uniformin .g and equipping the White House police, includ- ing the purchase, issue, and repair of revolvers and the purchase and issue of ammuni tion and miscel laneous suppli es, to be procu red in such manner as the President in his discretion may determine, $3,750. Salaries. Proviso s . Witness fees . Ante, p . 1327 . Violation of laws re- lating to Treasury De- partment, etc . Uniforms and equip- ment . PublidHealthServiee. Salaries, office of Surgeon General : For personal services in the District of Columbia, $308,410 . Pay, allowance, etc ., Commissioned officers

and so forth : For pay, allowance, and Surgeon General, offi-

p a y , c e r s , etc .

comm utation of quar ters for regula r commissioned medical office rs, including the Surgeon General and assistant surgeons general and for other regular commissioned officers, $1,775,810 . Acting assistant sur- Acting assistant surgeons, pay : For pay of acting assistant Sur- ge0ns'

geon s (noncommissio ned medical off icers), $340,2 00 . Pay of other employees : For pay of all other employees (attend- ants, and so forth) $1,000,000 . Freight, transportation, and so forth : For freight, transportation, and traveling expen ses, including allowances for living quarter s, including heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by the Act approved Office personnel . Other employees . Freight, transporta- tion, etc . 74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 725. JUNE 23, 1936. covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, as provided by the Act of August 4, 1886 (U. S. C., title 31, sec. 176), shall be credited when received to the appropriation for said Bureau for the fiscal year 1937 . SECRET SERVICE DIVISION PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE