Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1902

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74T11 C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 726. JUNE 23, 1936 .

1857 passenger-carrying motor vehicles, and not to exceed $671 for the purc hase of o ne n on-p asse nger- carr ying moto r ve hicl e, $ 9,150 . Vehicles . Engineer Depart- ment . Chief clerk's office . OF FICE OF CHIEF CLERK, ENGINEER DEPARTMENT For personal services, $29,340 . MUNICIPA L ARCHITE CT'S OFFI CE

Municipal Ar chi- tect's office . Personal services . Apportionments . For personal services, $46,920 . All apportionments of appropriations for the use of the municipal architect in p ayment of persona l services employ ed on constructio n w ork provid ed for by said appr opriation s shall be based on an a mount not exceeding 3 per centum of a total of not more than $2,000,000 of appropriations made for such construction projects and not exceeding 23/4 per ce ntum of a total of the appropriati ons in excess of $2,000,000 . For the purchase of land, being lots numbered 31 and 32, in square cil dditiocal shop fa- it adjacent to the District of Columbia repair shop, to afford addi- Lanafor s tional shop fa cilities, housing for automobile t rucks, and storag e for tools and building materials for the District of Columbia repair shop, $15,000. PUB LIC UTI LITIE S COMM ISSI ON Fo r two com miss ione rs, p eopl e's couns el, and for other per sona l services, $69,000, of which amount not to exceed $5,000 may be used f or the employment of expert servic es by contract or otherwise and w ithout reference to the Classifica tion Act of 1923, as amended . For incidental and all other general necessary expenses author- ized by law, including the purchase of newspapers, $1,500 . No part of the appropriations contained in this Act shall be used for or in connection with the preparation, issuance, publication, or enforcement of any regulation or order of the Public Utilities Com- mission requiring the installation of meters in taxicabs, or for or in connection with the licensing of any vehicle to be operated as a taxi- c ab except for ope ration in accorda nce with such sys tem of uniform zones and rates and regulations applicable thereto as shall have been p rescribed by the Public Utilities Commission . BOARD OF EXAMINERS, STEAM ENGINEERS Salaries : Three members, at $150 each, $450 . DEP ARTM ENT OF INSURANCE For personal services, $24,620. SURVEYOR'S OFFICE For personal services, $80,000 . For rebinding and repairing record books in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, showing properties in the District of Columbia, $2,500 . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION FUND S g For carr ying out the pro visions of sectio n 11 of the Distr ict of C olu mbia Ap prop riat ion Act approved July 11, 19 19, exte ndi ng t o the employees of the government of the District o f Columbia the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide compensation f or employees of t he United States suffering injurie s while in the erformance of their duties, and for other purposes", approved eptember 7, 1916, $35,000 . 104019'-36--117 Publ ic Utiliti es Com- mission . Commissioners, peo- ple's counsel, etc . Experts . Incidental, etc., ex- penses. Issuance of orders re- quiring meters in taxi- cabs forbidden. Examiners, steam en- gineers . Insurance Dep art- ment . Surveyor's office . Personal services, Reco rd books, repair, etc . Emp loyees ' com - pensation fund . Payments for inju- ries . Vol.41,p.101 . Vol. 39, p. 742. U.S.C.,P.98.