Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1904

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74 TH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 726. JU NE 23, 1936 .

18 59 ice ; repairs to pound and vehicles ; traveling expenses not to exceed $2,000, including payment of dues and traveling expenses in attend- ing conventions when authorized by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia ; expenses authorized by law in connection Removing un safe, with the removal of dangerous or unsafe and insanitary buildings, etc ., buildin gs . including payment of a fee of $6 per diem to each member of board of survey, other than the inspector of buildings, while actually employed on surveys of dangerous or unsafe buildings ; and other general necessary expenses of District offices ; $27,000 : Provided Proviso . >


Printing, etc ., list of That no part of this or any other appropriation contained in this supplies forbidden . Act shall be expended for printing or binding a schedule or list of s uppl ies and m ater ials for the furn ishi ng of whi ch c ontr acts have been or may be awa rded . For

inting and binding, $43,000, and the last proviso of this Printing and binding pr



Re str ict ion not to paragrap h shall no t apply to work whi ch can be performed ata ap ply to ce ntral dupl i- lower cost in the central duplicating section of the District of p rinti ng pl ant . Lort on lant . Columbia or the printing plant at the reformatory at Lorton, Vir- ginia : Provided, That, no part of the appropriations contained in this Approval of requisi- Act shall be available for expenditure for printing and binding tions required . unless the need for such expenditure shall have been specifically approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or by the purchasing officer and the auditor for the District of Columbia acting for such Commissioners : Provided urth er That no art of wo rk to be do ne at g


Government Printing this appropriation shall be available for expenditure unless such office . printing and b inding is done at the Government P rinting Office . CENTRAL GARAGE Central garage. For maintenance, care, repair, and operation of assen er-carr in

Automobiles, ma in_ p


Y g tenance, etc . auto mobi les o wned by the Distr ict of C olumb ia, incl udin g per sona l services, $60,467 ; for pur chas e (in clud ing exch ange) of pass enger - carrying automobiles $13,840 ; and for purchase (including exchange) of a passenger-carrying automobile for the assessor's office, $800 ; Executive Office, three, $6,300 ; a nd one ambulance for the Board of Public Welfare, $1,660 ; for purchase of two passenger-carrying automobiles, $1,160, and two station wagons, $1,500 ; in all, $85,7 27 . Restri ction on use of All motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles owned by the District-owned ve- District of Columbia shall be used exclusively for "official purposes" hicles. directly pertaining to the public services of said District, and shall be under the direction and control of the Commissioners, who may under control of from time to time alter or change the assignment for use thereof or Commissioners . direct the joint or interchangeable use of any of the same by officials and employees of the District, except as otherwise provided in this Act ; and "official purposes" shall not include the transportation of Transportation be- officers and employees between their domiciles and places of emplo y' p sw lace oon of employmplcye and ment . ment, except as to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and in cases of officers and employees the character of whose duties makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latter cases when the same is approved b5 y the Convnissioners : Provided That Provis° . Purchase, etc., re- no passenger-carrying automobile, except busses, patrol wagons, and stri ctio ns, ambulances, and except as otherwise specifically authorized in this Act, shall be acquired under any provision of this Act, by purchase or exchange, at a cost, including the value of a vehicle exchanged, exceeding $650. No motor vehicles shall be transferred from the Transfers forbidden . police or fire departments to any other branch of the government of the Distri ct of Columbia . A pprop riat ions in this Act shal l not be used for the paym ent of Fir e insu rance pre miu ms for bid den . premiums or other cost of fire insurance . For postage for strictly official mail matter, including the rental Postag e. of postage-met er equipment, $25,000.