Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1909

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74 TH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 726 . JUNE 23, 1936 . Changing widths of The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized sidewalks . and empowered, in th eir discretion, t o fix or alter th e respective widths of sidewalks and roadways (including tree spaces and park- ing) of all highways that may be improved under appropriations contained in this Act . Open competition for No part of an y appropri ation con tained in this Act shall be street repair, etc ., con- tra cts . available for repairing, resurfacing, or newly paving any street, avenue, or roadway by private contract unless the specifications for such work shall be so prepared as to permit of fair and open compe- tition in paving material as well as in price . Repairs due to inte- In addition to the provision of existing law requiring contractors rior work by contrac- to keep new pavements in repair for a period of one year from the tor . date of the completion of the work, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shal l further require that where repai rs are necessary during the four years following the said one-year period, due to inferior work or defective materials, such repairs shall be made at the expense of the contractor, and the bond furnished by the contra ctor shall be l iable for s uch e xpense . Testing laboratory; No part of the appropriations contained in this Act shall be used res tri cti on' for the operation of a testing laboratory of the highways department for making tests of materials in connection with any activity of the District gov ernment . W harves . R econ struc tion , etc . Fish wharf, etc. Pier, etc., construc- tion . Trees and parkings. Pe rsonal ser vices . Contingent expenses . Sewers . WH ARVE S For reconstruction, where necessary, and for maintenance and repair of wharves under the control of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, in the Washington Channel of the Potomac River, $3,0 00 . For construction of pier at fish wharf and market, including appro ache s, p repa ratio n of pla ns an d sp ecif icat ions, and per sonal services, $20,000. TREES AND PARKINGS For personal services, $26,600 . For contingent expenses, including laborers, trimmers, nurserymen, repairmen, teamsters, hire of carts, wagons, or motor trucks, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, tree labels, planting and care of trees, and tree spaces on city and suburban streets, purchase and main tena nce of n on-pa ssen ger- carry ing moto r ve hicle s, a nd m isce l- laneous items, $100,000 . SEWERS Personal s ervices .

For personal services, $184,710. For clea ning and repairing sew ers and basins ; including the replacement of the following motor trucks : One at not to exceed $2 ,50 0 ; two at n ot to exceed $975 each ; f or operation and mainte- nance of the sewage pumping s ervice, including repairs to boile rs, machinery, and pum pi ng stations, and employment of mechanics and laborers, purchase of coal, oil, waste, and other supplies, and for the main tena nce o f no n-pa sseng er-c arry ing motor veh icle s us ed in this work, $230,170. For main and pi pe sewers and re ceiving basins, $ 100,000. For suburban se wers, including the maintenance o f non-passenger- carrying motor vehicles used in this work, and the replacement of the following motor trucks : One at not to exceed $3,500 ; one at not to exceed $2,500 ; two at not to exceed $975 each ; one at not to exceed $750 ; and one at not to exceed $650 ; in all, $125,000 . Assess ment and per- For assessment and permit work, sewers, including not to exceed mit work'

$1,000 for p urchase or condem nation of rights- of-way for constr uc- tion, maintenance, and repair of public sewers, $200,000 . Cleaning, repair, etc . Main and pipe. Suburban . Motor trucks .