Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1950

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 754. JU NE 24, 1936 .

190 5 may appear in the judgment of the Civil Service Commission to be legally entitled thereto, and such payment shall be a . bar to recovery by any other pers on ." SEC . 5 . That paragraph (e) of section 101 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code is amen ded to read as follows "( e) In case a former employ ee entitled to the return of the Former employe e be- coming legally incom- aniount credited to his individual account shall become legally incom- petent. petent, the total amount due may be p aid to a du ly appointed d ue,

of amount guardian or committee of such former employee . If the amount of refund due such former employee does not exceed $1,000, and if there has been no demand upon the Civil Service Commission by a duly appointed guardian or committee, payment may be made, after the expiration of thirty days from date of separation from the service, to such person or persons, in the discretion of the Commis- sion, who may have the care and custody of such former employee, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person ." SEC . 6 . That paragraph (f) of section 101 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code is amended to read as follows "( f) Each employee or annuitant to whom this article applies tcDesignation of bene- may, under regula tions prescribed by the Civil Service Commission, designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to whom, shall be paid, upon the death of the employee or annuitant any sum remaining to his credit (including any accrued annuity) under the provisions of this article ." SEC. 7. That section 142 of title 2 of the Canal Zone Code is amended to read as follows "142. PUNISHMEN T OF PERS ONS DEPOR TED FROM CANAL ZON E WHO Punishment for re- entry of deported per- RETURN THERETO . Any person who voluntarily returns to the Canal sons. Zone after having served a sentence of imprisonment therein amid after having been deported therefrom, shall : "(a) Be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not Penalt y . more than two years ; and "(b) Be removed fr om the Canal Zone up on the completion of his sentence, in accordance with the laws and orders relating to deportation . "A voluntary entry into the Canal Zone for any purpose shall be sufficient to constitute a return to the Canal Zone within the mean- ing of this section : P rovided , That the Governor of the Panama Proviso. Canal, in his discretion, by permit or regulations, may authorize passage ; pe r TemUor rmits fo n,or r. persons deported from the Canal Zone to pass through or to return temporarily to th e Canal Zone, and he may presc ribe the route over which such persons shall be required to travel while in the Canal Zone . Any pe rson w ho vio lates the te rms of such permit or the regulations authorized herein, or remains in the Canal Zone after the expiration of such permit, shall be deemed guilty of violation of this section and punished as provided herein ." SEC. 8. That se ction 158 of title 2of the Canal Zone Code is u .S.C.,p.2195. amen ded t o read as fo llows "158. SMALL VESSELS PROPELLED BY MACHINERY ; REGIS TRATIO N Small vessels pr o- I gelled by machinery . CER TIFIC ATION , AND NUM BERIN G ; LICENSING OF OPERATORS ; FINES. - Registration, certifi. Vessels not more than sixty-five feet in length, measuring from end cation, numbering, e tc. to end over the deck excluding sheer, and propelled in whole or in part by machinery, shall be registered, certificated, and numbered, and shall display the numbers assigned in a conspicuous place in prescribed form . Such vessels shall be subject to annual inspection, Annual inspection . and the certificate referred to herein shall be issued for a term of one year and shall specify the number of passengers which the vessel may carry, and the number of life preser vers and the fire-fighting apparatus and other equipment which the vessel shall carry . 104019'-36 120