Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1969

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74TH CO NGR ESS . SESS. II . CHS. 807-809 . JUNE 25, 1936 . Publication of rules and regulations . PUBLIC ATION SEc . 5 . All rules and regulations, except such as have no general applicability and legal effect or are effective only against Federal agencies or persons in their capacity as officers, agents, or employees thereof, issued prescribed, or promulgated pursuant to authority cont ained here in, s hall be fo rward ed fo rthwi th to the Divis ion o f the Federal Register in The National Archives for filing and pub- lishing in the Federal Register . Approved, June 25, 1936 . [CHAPTER 808 .] AN ACT June 25, 1936. [x.4654 .]

To amend an Ac t entitled "An Act to distribu te the commissioned line and [Public, No. 800.1

engineer officers of the Coast Guard in grades, and for other purposes", approved January 12, 1923 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the Coast Guard.

United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of etc . ommandant, rank, the Act entitled "An Act to distribute the commissioned line and Vol. 42, p.1130.

engineer officers of the Coast Guard in grades, and for other pur- poses", approved January 12, 1923 (42 Stat . 1130), is hereby amended by striking out the first proviso in that section and inserting the Rank, etc., when re- following proviso in lieu thereof : " Provided, That any officer who tired .

was serving on June 1, 1936, or shall thereafter serve as commandant in the Coast Guard shall, when retired (w hether before or after the date of the enactment of this Act), be retired with the rank of Com- mandant and with the pay of a rear admiral (upper half) of the Ra nk of Comman- Navy on the retired list and that an officer whose term of service as dent after expiration of term

Comma ndant has expir ed ma y be appoi nted a cap tain and s hall be an . additiona l number i n that gra de, but, i f not so a ppointed, he shall t ake the place on the lineal list in the grade that he would have attained had he not served as Commandant and be an additional number in such grade ;" . Approved, June 25, 1936 . [CHA PTER 809 .1 June 25, 1936.

AN ACT [s.4727.1 To quiet title and possession with respect to certain lands in Lawrence County, [Public, No. 801 .]

Alabama . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Lawrence County, U nited Stat es of Amer ica i n Con gress asse mbled , That all th e right, Ala. Title to certain lands title, and interest of the United States, except such right, title, and in, released to equitable owners thereto . interest as has been acquired by the United States through purchase or condemnation, in and to all of fractional section 25 which lies south of the Elk River Shoals Canal and the northwest quarter of section 36, township 3 south, range 7 west, Huntsville meridian, in Lawrence County, Alabama, be, and the same is hereby released, relinquished, and confirmed by the United States to the owners of the equitable titles thereto, as fully and completely in every respect whatever as Proviso .

could be done by patents issued according to law : Provided, That R elinq uish ment of Federal title only . this Act shall amount to a relinquishment of any title the United States has, or is supposed to have, in and to any of said lands and shall not be construed to abridge, impair, injure, prejudice, or divest in any manner any valid right, title, or interest of any person or body corporate whatever, the true intent of this Act being to concede and ab andon all right, tit le, and in terest of the United States to the lands