Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1984

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74rn CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 822, 830 . JUNE 25, 26,1936.

193 9 SEC . 2 . For the purposes set out in section 1 of this Act, the United Authority vested in States fo r enforcement, States of America hereby vests in the several States within whose et c. exterior boundaries such place may be, insofar as the enforcement of State workmen's compensation laws are affected, the right, power, and authority aforesaid : Provided, however, That by the passa ge Provisos. Fe der al jurisdiction of this Act the United States of America in nowise relinquishes Its not relinq uished . jurisdiction for any purpose over the property named, with the exception of extending to the several States within whose ex terior boundar ies su ch pla ce may be only the power s abo ve enu merate d relating to the enforcement of their State workmen's compensation laws as herein designated : Provided further, That nothing in this United States Em- Act shall be construed to modify or amend the United S

pl oye es Compensation tates Act not modified . Employees' Compensation Act as amended from time to time (Act of Uo 1539, pp.'98. September 7, 1916, 39 Stat . 742, U . S . C ., title 5 and supplement, sec.i51etseq.). Approved, June 25, 1936 . [CHA PTER 830 .] AN ACT June 26, 1936 . To insure t he collection of the revenu e on distille d spirits, wi nes, and malt liquors, [H . R . 91 8 5 .] to provi de for th e more ef ficient a nd economi cal admin istration and enfo rce- [Public, No. 815 .] me nt of the laws relating to the taxation of distilled spirits, wines, and malt liquors, to amend the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate an d, House of Representatives of the Liquor Tax Adminis- Un ited States of Am erica in Co ngress assem bled,

tration Act . TITLE I Title I. SE CTIO N 1. This Act may be cited as the "Liquor Tax Adminis- Citation of title . tration Act" . SEC. 2. (a) Whoever, when violating any law of the United violators of liquor laws possessing smoke, States, or of any Territory or possession of the United States, or of etc ., devices . the District of Columbia, in regard to the manufacture, taxation, or transportation of or traffic in distilled spirits, wines, or fermented malt liquors, or when aiding in any such violation, has in his posses- sion or in his control any device capable of causing emission of smoke, gas, or fumes, and which may b e used for the purpose of hind ering, delaying, or preventing pursuit or capture, any explosive, or any Possession of firearms, firearm (as defined in the National Firearms Act, as amended,, et`olx488,p .1236 ;U .S . except a machine gun, or a shotgun or rifle having a barrel of less C . peie, 3:51192 . than eighteen inches in length, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or Penalty . be imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both, and all persons Persons engaged in, or engaged in any such violation or in aiding in any such violation shall aiding violation . be held to be in pos session or control of such dev ice, firearm, or explosive. (b) Whoever, when violating any such law, has in his possession Possessionofmachine or in his control a machine gun, or any shotgun or rifle having a gun, etc . barrel of less than eighteen inches in length, shall be punished by Punishment for . imprisonment for not mo re th an twenty years ; and all persons Persons engaged in, or engaged in any such violation or in aiding in any such violation aiding violation . shall b e held to be in possession and control of such machine gun, shot un, or rifle . (c) Every such firearm or device for emitting gas, smoke, or Seizure, etc ., of desig- nated firearms, devices, fumes, and every such explosive, machine gun, shotgun, or rifle, in explosives, etc . the possession or control of any person when violating any such law, Disposal p 1238 . shall be seized and shall be f orfeited and disposed of in th e manner u . S. C., p.1136. provided by section 7 of the National Firearms Act .