Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/201

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156 San Diego, Calif. Submarine bases . Pearl Harbor, Ha- waii . Coco Solo, C. Z . Air stations. Norfolk, Va. Pensacola, Fla. San Diego, Calif. Fleet air bases. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii . Coco Solo, C . Z. Quantico, Va . Naval radio and di- rection-finder stations . April 15, 1935 . [H. R. 5577.] [Public, No . 37.1 Na val Rese rve and Marine Corps Reserve . Aviation cadet grade creat ed. Appointments; regu- lati ons . Provisos. Service agreement . 74TS CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 70, 71. APR IL 15, 1935 . Naval training station, San Diego, California : Trade school and auditorium buildings and accessories, $475,000 ; fleet school building and accessories, $120,000. Submarine base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii : Quarters for officers, $95,500 . Submarine base, Coco Solo, Canal Zone : Replacement of buildings and accessories, including barracks and mess hall for enlisted men, shop buildings, storehouses, dispensary, boiler plant, quarters for officers, quarters for chief petty officers, administration building, laundry, garage, and public-works shop, $2,534,500 . Naval air station, Norfolk, Virginia : Barracks and mess hall for enlisted men, $500,000 . Naval air station, Pensacola, Florida : Replacement of buildings and accessories, including barracks and mess hall for enlisted men, shop buildings, quarters for officers storehouses and hangars, $3,000,000. Naval air station, San Diego, California : Aviation facilities and rifle range, including buildings and accessories, San Nicolas and San Clemente Islands, $247,000 . Naval air s tation , San Diego, Calif ornia : Galley and mess hall for enlisted men, $300,000 ; barracks for enlisted men, $300,000 ; hang- ars, $360,000 ; general storehouse building and accessories, $300,000 ; aircraft storehouse building and accessories, $140,000 ; quarters for bachelor officers, $200,000 ; central storehouse building, West Beach, $50,000 ; garage, West Beach, $20,000 ; equipment storehouse and accessories, $30,000 ; magazines, $5,000 ; boat-repair building and accessories, $25,000 ; quarters for officers, $87,000 . Fleet air base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Barracks and mess hall for

enlisted men, $587,500 ; quarters for officers, $216,000 ; quarters for chief petty officers, $180,000 ; paint and oil storehouse building and accessories, $30,000 ; garage and fire-station buildings and accesso- ries, $22,000 ; boathouse building and accessories, $25,000 . Fleet air base, Coco Solo, Canal Zone : Hangar, $195,000 ; admin- istration building and dispensary and accessories, $145,000 ; quarters for chief petty officers, $180,000 . Marine barracks, Quantico, Virginia : Quarters for officers, $1,050,- 000 ; quarters for noncommissioned officers, $891,000 . Naval radio and direction-finder stations : Sandy Hook, New Jer- sey, radio buildings and facilities, $50,000 ; vicinity of Washington, Distri ct of Columb ia, ra dio re ceivin g stat ion in cludin g buil dings and purchase of land, $175,000 ; Oahu, Hawaii, radio receiving sta- tion including buildings, $165,000 ; Balboa, Canal Zone, quarters for operators, $90,000 ; Cape Mala, Panama, barracks, quarters, and com- pass house, $50,000 ; Canal Zone, radio receiving station including buildings, $105,000 . Approved, April 15, 1935 . [C HAPTE R 71 .1 AN ACT To provide for aviation cadets in the Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve . Be it enact ed by the Se nate a nd Hou se of Repres entati ves of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the grade of aviation cadet is hereby created in the Naval Reserve and brine Corps Reserve. Aviation cadets shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy from male citizens of the United States under such regulations as he may prescribe : Provided, That each aviation cadet shall sign an agreement, with the consent of his parent or guardian,