Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2028

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74Th CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 849, 850. JUNE 26, 1936 .

1983 people of the United States : Provided, That not more than 75 per Pro oportion of cost to centum of the cost of any specific investigation shall be borne by be borne by United the United States .

States . (b) All provisions of existing law relating to examinations and App lica tion of exist- ing lams, etc . surveys and to works of improvement of rivers and harbors shall apply, ins ofar as pr actic able, to e xamin ation s and surv eys and to works of i mprov ement rela ting to sh ore p rotec tion; except that all Exception . projects having to do with shore protection shall be referred for consideration and recommendation to the Beach Erosion Board instead of to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors . SEC. 3 . The Beach Erosion Board, in making its report on any re Report by Board; work or project relating to shore protection shall, in addition to any other matters upon which it may be required to report, state its opinion as to (a) the advisability of adopting the project, (b) what Federal interest, if any, is involved in the proposed improve- ment, and (c) what share of the expense, if any, should be borne by the United States . SEC . 4. Any expenses incident and necessary in the undertaking of the inve stiga tions and studi es au thori zed h erein may be paid from funds hitherto or hereafter appropriated for examinations, surveys, and contingencies for rivers and harbors . Approved, June 26, 1936 . [CHAPT ER 850 .1 JOINT RES OLUTION To provide for an inquiry by the Court of Claims with respect to losses sustained by cooperative marketing associations in connection with stabilization activities in grain . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Court of Claims, in accordance with such rules as it may adopt, shall investigate losses sustained during the stabilization opera tions of the Federal Farm Board in 1929 and 1930, by cooperative associa- tions to which loans were . made, either directly or indirectly, by the F ederal Fa rm Board, through withhold ing grai n from th e market and making advances to their members in order to stabilize prices, for the purpose of determining- (1) The amount of loss, if a ny, in the case of e ach such a ssociation and the facts and circumstances relating to such loss; and (2) Whether, because of any agreement or understanding between such associations, or any of them, and the Federal Farm Board (or any member, officer, or employee thereof) or because of any other facts or circumstances, there is any legal, equitable, or moral obli- gation on the part of the United States to reimburse such associa- tions, or any of them, for the whole or any part of any such loss . The co urt shall report to Congress, at the ear liest prac ticable da te, the results of its investigation and determinations, together with such recommendations as it deems appropriate . Approved, June 26, 1936 . Expenses . June 26, 1936 . IS.J. Res.38.] [Pub . Res ., No . 134 .] Cooperative market- ing associations . Court of Claims to inv esti gate los ses sus- tained by, due to cer- tain grain stabilization activities . Scope of inquiry, etc. R eport to Congress.