Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2040

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74T H C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 858. JUNE 29, 1936 .

1995 agreement entered into raider section 11 of the Merchant Marine Act, vol. 41,p.933. 1920, as amended, or upon unpaid ship-sales mortgage notes .

u.S.C.,p.2064. SEC . 404 . All the powers and duties now vested by law in the Post- Postmaster General's powers, etc., transferred master General, with respect to existing ocean-mail contracts, exe- to commission . cuted pursuant to title IV of the Merchant Marine Act, 1928, are Vol . 45,p .691 . hereby transferred to and v ested in the Commission . SEC . 405 . (a) All mails of the United States carried on vessels Transport of United States ma il by vessels between ports between which it is lawful under the navigation laws of United States regis- for a vessel not documented under the la ws of the United States to try, car ry merc han dise sha ll, ins ofa r as pr acti cab le, be carr ied on ves sels of United States registry . (b) Every steamship company carrying the mails shall carry on in Transporting persons mails . any ship it operates and without extra charge therefor the persons in charge of charge of the mails and when on duty and traveling to and from duty, and all duly accredited agents and officers of the Post Office Depar tment and post-offic e inspecto rs while t raveling o n official busi- ness, upon the exhibition of their credential s . TITLE V-CONSTRUCTION-DIFFERENTIAL SUBSIDY SE C . 5 01 . (a) A ny citizen of the United States may make applica- tio n to the C ommission for a cons truction-d ifferentia l subsidy to aid in the construction of a new vessel, to be used on a service, route, or line in the foreign commerce of the United States, determined to be essen- tial under section 211 of this Act . No such application shall be approved by the Commission unless it determines that (1) the service, route, or line requires a new vessel of modern and economical design to meet foreign-flag competition and to promote the foreign commerce of the United States ; (2) the plans and specifications call for a new vessel which will meet the needs of the service, route, or line, and the requirements of commerce ; (3) the applicant possesses the ability, experience, financial resources, and other qualifications necessary to enable it to operate and maintain the proposed new vessel in such service, or on such route or line, and to maintain and continue ade- quate service on said route or line, including replacement of worn- out or obsolete tonnage with new and modern ships ; and (4) the granting of the aid applied for is reasonably calculated to carry out effectively the purposes and policy of this Act . (b) The Commission shall submit the plans and specifications for the proposed vessel to the Navy Department for examination thereof and suggestions for such changes therein as may be deemed necessary or proper in order that such vessel shall be suitable for economical and speedy conversion into a naval or military auxiliary, or otherwise suitable for the use of the United States Government in time of war or national emergency . If the Secretary of the Navy approves such plans and specifications as submitted, or as modified, in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, he shall certify such approval to the Commission . (c) Any citizen of the United States may make application to the Commission for a construction-differential subsidy to aid in recon- structing or reconditioning any vessel that is to be exclusively used on a service, route, or lin e in the foreign commerce of the United States, determined to be essential under section 211 of this Act . If the C ommission, in the ex ercise of its discre tion, shal l determin e that the granting of the financial aid applied for is reasonably calculated to carry out effectively the purposes and policy of this Act, the Com- mission may approve such application and enter into a contract or contracts with the applican t therefor providing for the payment by the United States of a construction-differential subsidy that is to be Title v-construc- tion-Differential Sub . sidy . Ap plic ation for . Ante, p. 1989 . Investigation before approval. Plans and specifica- tions of proposed ves- sels . Reference of, to Navy D epar tmen t . Reconstr ucting or reconditioning, appli- cation for construc- tion-differential sub - sidy to aid in . Contract entered into, if application ap- p roved .