Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/207

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April 25, 1935.
[Public, No. 43.]


Authorizing personnel of the naval services to whom a commemorative or special medal has been awarded to wear in lieu thereof a miniature facsimile of such medal and a ribbon symbolic of the award.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Naval service.
Personnel may wear
facsimile in lieu of
awarded medal.
That authority facsimile is hereby granted to personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps to wear in lieu of commemorative or special medals awarded to them a miniature facsimile of such medal and a ribbon symbolic of the award there of under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe.

Approved, April 25, 1935.


April 25, 1935.
[Public, No. 44.]


Authorizing certain officials under the Naval Establishment to administer oaths.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Naval Establishment
Certain officials of, authorized to administer oaths.
That chief clerks and inspectors attached to the office of inspectors of naval material, chief clerks attached to field services under the Naval Establishment and to navy yards, naval stations, and Marine Corps posts and stations, and such other clerks and employees attached to offices of inspectors of naval material, field services, naval stations, navy yards, and Marine Corps posts and stations, as may be designated by the Secretary of the Navy, are authorized to administer any oath required or authorized by any law of the United States, or regulation promulgated thereunder, relating to any claim against or application to the United States of officers and employees under the Naval Establishment; said persons so authorized to administer the aforesaid oaths are also authorized to administer oaths of office to No fee therefor. officers and employees under the Naval Establishment, but no compensation or fee shall be demanded or accepted for administering any such oath or oaths.

Approved, April 25, 1935 .


April 25, 1935.
[Public, No. 45.]


To permit construction, maintenance, and use of certain pipe lines for petroleum and petroleum products in the District of Columbia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the of the United States of America in Congress assembled,District of Columbia
Smoot Sand and Gravel Corporation may construct, etc., pipelines at designated points.
That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and empowered to grant permission to the Smoot Sand and Gravel Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, the owner of squares 705, 707, and east of 708, and part of square 708, in the District of Columbia, it successors and assigns, to lay down, construct, maintain, and use pipe lines for the carriage of petroleum and petroleum products from any point or points within any such square or such part of square, in and through Half Street, First Street, P Street, Q Street, R Street, Potomac Avenue, reservation 246 and reservation 247, to any point or points within any such square or such part of square, or to the pierhead line of the Anacostia River.

Supervision of construction, etc. Sec. 2. All the construction and use provided for herein shall be under such regulations and rentals as the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may make and establish in connection therewith, and all plans and specifications for such construction shall be subject