Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2085

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS . 881, 882. JUNE 30, 1936 . Proviso .

the effective date of this Act : Provided, however, That the provi- Repres entatio ns as t o minimum wages ; scope . sions requiring the inclusion of representations with respect to mini- mum wages shall apply only to purchases or contracts relating to such industries as have been the subject matter of a determination by the Secretary of Labor. Approved, June 30, 1936 . [CH APTER 882 .1 June 30, 193 6 . [S. 1567 .1 To amend section 5 of the Act of March 2, 1919, generally known as the "War [Public, No. 847 .]

Min erals Relief Act ." Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the War Miner als R elief United States of America in Congress assembled, That no claimant Act . Claimants under, not who filed a claim in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of deprived of benefits for failure to sue, etc .

the Act entitled, "An Act to provide relief in cases of contracts con- Vol, 66. P. 1274; Vol. netted with prosecution of the war, and for other purposes", approved March 2, 1919, shall be deprived of any of the benefits of said Act as amended by the Act of February 13, 1929, by reason of failure to file suit under said amendment in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, or through abatement of any suit so filed . Review by Secretary Upon petition to the Secretary of the Interior in such abated suits of Interior upon mat- ters of fact and newly and in claims wherein no suits were filed under the said amendment, presented evidence . the Secre tary is he reby autho rized and direc ted t o rev iew a ll su ch claims upon matters of fact and any newly presented evidence or facts not before his predecessors and, except where in conflict with the provisions -of this Act, in the light of decisions of the courts in Awards, similar cases ; and, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, as amended, to make awards or additional awards in said claims as he may determine to be just and equitable. Descent of deceased SEC . 2 . The rights of any deceased claimant under section 5 of said claimant's rights to

. legal representative. Act shall be held and considered to descend to the legal representa- cor D po ati ons fc rights h ng to tives as personal property of such deceased claimant . The rights of exist after sling claim, any corporation which filed a claim under section 5 of the Act of March 2, 1919, but which ceased to exist at any time after filing such claim, shall be held and considered to descend- (1) to the persons who at the time such corporation ceased to exist were entitled under the laws of the State of incorporation to share in the assets of such corporation upon the dissolution thereof, or if any such person be dead, or dies after the enactment of this Act but before he receive s the bene fits of th is Act, to his legal represent ative as personal property ; and (2) to any officer, director, or stockholder of such corporation at the time it ceased to exist as trustee for the persons or legal repre- sentatives referred to in clause (1) ; and such persons or their legal representatives and such officers, directors, and stockholders shall be entitled to the benefits of this Act . Time limitation. SEC . 3 . This Act shall not authorize payment to be made of any claim not presented to the Secretary of the Interior within six months after its approval . Approved, June 30, 1936 . AN ACT