Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2100

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· XIV INDEX. Appropriations-Continued. Pan American Institute of Geography and History-Continued. Expenses of 1935 mt'eting in 'Cnited States, authorized ____________ _ Appropriation for ______________ _ Patrick Henry, bicentennial of birth of, sum authorized ________________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Patrick Henry National Monument, Va., authorized ________________ _ Peanuts, collection and publication of statistics relating to, authorized __ Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, acquisition of site for rear range lighL ________ _ Philippine Islands, buildings, etc., for U. S . Representative, authorized_ Appropriation for ________________ _ Pine Ridge, S. Dak., school construc- tion, etc., authorized ___________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Polson, Mont., school improvemellt~, Page. 5]2 1123 148·1 1600 1899 480 394 595 3:31 584 etc., authorized_________________ 328 Appropriation for_________________ 584 Poplar, Mont., s chool improvemcnt~, etc., authorized_________________ 329 Appropriation for ___ ______ ___ _____ 584 Potato Act of 1935, sums authorized for enforcemenL _______ ____ _______ _ 790 Pueblo Indian land grants; payments to non-Indian claimants, authorized_ 800 Appropriations for ___ _ ___ __ __ ____ _ 176.5 Pueblo Indians, N. Mex., payments to non-Indian claimants, authorized_ 1459 Queets, Wash., school improvements, etc., authorizcd _______________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Railroad Retirement Act of 1935, au- 330 584 thorized ______________________ _ 973 Appropriation lor_________________ 1178 Railroad Retirement Board, author- ized___________________________ 1098 Appropriation for _____________ 1112,1603 Railroad Retirement Investigation Commission___ ___ ___ __ ___ ____ __ 1113 Railway Labor Act, Amendments, au- thorized _ _ ____ ___ ______ __ __ ____ 1191 Rate of wages, laborers and mechanics on public buildings; sums available for administrative expenses_______ 1013 Reclamation and irrigation projects, investigation of financial, etc., conditions on, authorized________ 1207 Rio Grande canalization project; diver- sion dam construction, author- ized _____ ____ ____ _____ ____ __ 961, 1463 Rivers, harbors, etc., surveys and im- provcments, authorized__ _ _______ 1596 Appropriations-Continued. Rogers, Henry H., acceptance of be- quest of, expenses incident to, au- thorized _____________________ - _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Rural Electrification Administration, authorized ____________________ _ Administration expenses, authorized_ Appropriat.ion for ______________ _ Securities and Exchange Commission __ "Shenandoah", dirigible, erection of memorial to dead in wreck of, au- thorized ______________________ _ Shrine Convention, maintenance of public order, etc., authorized ___ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Sioux Indians, payments to, author- ized __________________________ _ Smelter-fumes controversy, arbitration of ____________________________ _ Social Security Act- Pare. 1239 1628 1364 1365 1604 23, 1113 161 217 340 1319 Blind, aid to, aut.horized _________ 645,647 Appropriation fOL __________ 1113 ,1606 Children, dependent, aid to, author- ized _______________________ 627 ,629 Appropriation fOL __ _____ __ _ 1113, 1605 Child-welfare scrvices_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ 1121 Crippled children_________________ 1121 Diseases and sanitation investiga- tions_ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _____ __ __ 1126. 1841 Maternal and child health services, authorized _________________ 629,634 Appropriation for_______________ 1121 Old-age assistance, authorized ____ 620,622 Appropriation for __ ______ ___ 1113:. 1605 Old-age reserve accounL___________ 1635 Public health work, authorized ___ 634,635 Appropriation for ___________ 1126, 1840 Unemployment compensation admin- istration, authorized___________ 626 Appropriation f0r ___________ 1113,1605 Vocational rehabilitation, author- ized_________________________ 633 Appropriation for ___________ 1119,1798 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, authorized____________ 1151 Appropriation for _____ _ ____ ______ _ 1183 Soil Conservation Service, authorized_ 164 Appropriation fOL _______ ___ __ 1115, 1454 Special Mexican Claims Commission, authorized ______ .. ______________ 151 Appropriation for _____ _ ________ 590:. 1320 Sub-bituminous and lignite coal inwsti- gations, etc., Bureau of Mines, authorized_____________________ 1275 Texas Centennial Exposition, author- ized___________________________ 433 Appropriation for ______________ . . __ 575