Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2103

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INDEX. .. XVll Arrow Rock, Mo.: Page, Bridge authorized across Missouri River aL __________________ - - - - 1066 Time extended for hridging_ __ 1070, 1536 Arroyo Colorado, Tex., examination authorized_______________________ _ Arthur Kill and Raritan River. N. J . • cut- off channel between, improvement authorized_______----------------- Ash Creek, Conn. , examination author- ized ____________________________ _ Ashland Harbor. Wis., improvement authorized________ - ---- - - - - - - - - --- Ashley River. S . C•• examination author- ized ____________________________ _ Ashtabula Harbor. Ohio, improvement authorized ______________________ _ Associated Country Women oCthe World, Third Triennial Meeting of, sum au- thorized for participation _____ - - - - - Appropriation for _________ - - - _--

Associated Gas and Electric Co•• etc•• ex- emption from limit.ation on certain counsel in proceedings pertaining to tax liability f)L _____________ - - - - -- Astoria, Oreg., time extended for bridging 1045 1030 1041 1035 1043 1037 1167 1633 1820 Columbia River aL ___________ 1066, 1104 Astronomical Union, Intf~rnational, appro- priation for contribution___________ 1316 Astrophysical Observatory, appropriation for ____________________________ 15,1179 Atlanta, Ga., appropriation for peniten- tiary maintenance, «~tc ___ 53,84,] 120, 1329 Atlantic Coast, appropril~tion for surveys, etc ____________________________ 95,1340 Attorney General. See also Justice, De- partment of. Adjustment by, of claims arising out of activities of Federal Bureau of In- vestigation ________________ - _ _ _ _ 1184 Designation by, of member of marine casualty invelltigation board______ 1381 Member of Commodity Exchange Com- mission_ _________ ______________ 1492 Petroleum regulation, injunctions, etc_ 33 Tlingit and Haida Indians, Alaska, suits authorized to settle claims; notice to,etc___________.______________ 390 Virgin Islands- Appointment, fixing of compensation, etc., officers of District Court of the Virgin Islands___ __________ 1813 Supervision of judicial branch by ___ 1817 Audited Cla'ms. deficiency appropriation for __________ 61,580,603,1128,1616,1643 Augusta, Ga.: Bridge authorhed across Savannah River aL ________ ._ _____________ 1479 Flood-control project 8'Jthorized_ _____ 1575 Augusta. Kans., flood-control project au- thorized_____________ - - _- - _- - - - -- Aurora Landing, dam construction at__ -- Austria, appropriation for envoy extraor- Palre. 1578 596 dinary, ete., to _________________ 69,1311 Ava, Ohio, erection of memorial to dead in wreck of dirigible "Shenandoah", au- thorized_________________________ 1371 Aviation Cadets. See Naval Reserve_ Aviation Commission. See Federal Avia- tion Commission. Aviation Conference, Lima, Peru. appro- priation for participation_____ ______ 1632 B Back Creek, Md. , examination authorized_ 1042 Back River, Va., examination authorized_ 1043 Back Sound, N. C., ('xamination author- ized_____________________________ 1043 Badlands National Monument, S. Dak., bounda.rlesextended; supervision, etc_ 1979 Bad River Indians, Wis., appropriation for industrial assistance__ __________ 1767 Baileys Harbor Range Lighthouse Reser- vation, Wis., conveyance of portion of, to park commission, Door County _ 309 Bailiffs, etc., United States Courts, appro- priation for salaries, ete_____ 82,1327,1626 Baker Island, appropriation for expellses inadministration01. ______________ 1896 Bakers Bay, Wash., improvement author- ized______________________ _______ 1038 Balboa, C. Z .: Appropriation for naval radio receiving station improvements_ _ _ _ _______ 1412 Construction authorized at naval sta- tion and naval ammunition depot, etc __________________________ 155, 156 Appropriation for _________________ 598 Balbo. Italo, presentation of Distinguished Flying Cross to___________________ 152 Baltimore and Ohio Railroa~ Company, bridge and subway construction, lD. C____________________________ 569 Baltimore, Md., appropriation for hydro- graphic office expenses __________ 421,1420 Banana River, Fla., examination of water- way to Mosquito Lagoon, authorized_ 1043 Bankhead Cotton Act, amendments to. See Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amendments. Banking Act of 1933, Amendments. See Banking Act of 1935. Banking Ad of 1935: FEDERAL lDEPOSIT INSURANCE- Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion, creation; duties; manage- rnent________________________ 684 Definitions ___________________ 684-686