Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2109

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INDEX. XXlll Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of PSlre. 1935: Necessity for regulation of industry ____ 991 National Bituminous Coal Commission, establishment; composition, etc.; annual report___________________ 992 Consumers' Counsel, office estab- lished; duties; assistants_______ 993 Tax on bituminoUEI coal; imposition; payment, etc___________________ 993 Bituminous Coal Code, conditions, provisions, obli!~ations_ _ ___ ____ __ 994 Organization and production; district boards; marketing agencies_ ____ 994 Marketing; minimum and maximum prices_ ______ ______ ______ _ ____ 995 Minimum-price-area table_ __ ___ _ _ 99G Unfair methods of competition, vio- lations of code; exceptions; com- plaints_ _____ ___ _______ _ _____ _ 999 Labor relations___ _______ __ __ _____ _ 1001 Bituminous Coal Labor Board, appointment, duties, etL _ __ 1001 Organization of code; membership pro- v~ions_________________________ 1002 Review of order of Commission or Labor Board_._ ______ __________ 1003 Enforcement of Commission's order _ 1004 Laws applicable to tax provisions_ __ _ 1005 General authority of Commission and Labor Board._________________ 1005 Producers; provisions applicahle to nonmembers______ _____ ____ ___ 1005 Reports, etc.; n~quirements_ ______ 1005 State laws, effect on___ ____ ___ _____ 1006 Coal contracted for prior to effective date of Act; price_____________ 1006 Unlawful producer combinations__ __ 1006 Restriction on (:0801 purchases by United States ________________ 1006 Separability of provisions_ _ __ ______ 1007 Commission, studies and investigations_ 1007 Complaints respecting excessive coal prices _______ ._ ________________ 1007 Complaints to Interstate Commerce Commission respecting trans- portation cost8 ________________ 1007 Terms construed___ . . ________________ 1007 Effective date of tax provisions; other provisions _____ .. ________________ 1008 Duration of Act ___ . . ________________ 1008 Appropriations authorized_____ __ _____ _ 1008 Annex to Act; Schedule of Dis- tricts_________ .. ____________ 1008-1011 Bituminous Coal Labor Board, appropria- tion for ______________________ 1352,1627 Black Bass Law, appropriation for en- forcement oL____. ______________ 9S,1343 10401nO--~G____l~O Blackfeet Indians, Mont.: Page. Appropriation for industrial assistanc('_ 1767 Per-capita distribution of judgment rendered by Court of Claims_____ 1568 Black Rascal Creek, Calif., examination authorized_ _ __ ___ _ ____ __ ___ ______ 1595 Black River, Ark., and Mo.: Bridge authorized across, at Poplar Bluff, Mo _____________________ _ 1)05 53.' ) Biri~ge~egalizeda~_--------------- Exa. matlOn authorlzed_ _ _ __ ___ __ ___ 1045 Floo -control projects authorized _ __ __ 1580 Black River, Mich., examination, im- provement, authorized _________ 1036 ,1046 Black River, N. Y ., examination author- ized_____________________________ 1592 Black Rock Harbor, N. Y ., improvement authorized_________ __ __ ____ __ __ ___ 1037 Blackstone River, R. I ., and Mass., examination authorized________ 1041, 1592 Black Walnut Harbor, Md., examination authorized_______________________ 1043 Black Warrior River, Ala., improvement authorized_______________________ 1033 BlackweU, Okla., flood-control project authorized_ _________ __ _ ______ __ ___ 1580 Blaine Harbor, Wash., examination au- thorized__________________________ 1047 Blakistone Island Lighthouse Reserva- tion, Md., transferred to Navy De- partment ________________________ _ 306 Blind: Adult, increase in annual appropriation for books for___________________ 374 Aid to. See District of Columbia; Social Security Act. Operation of stand8 in Federal build- ings_ _ __ _____ _____ ____ __ ____ ___ 1559 Appropriation authorized_ ___ _ _____ 1560 Administrative expenses; preferen- tial employment to blind per- son8_______________________ 1560 DefinitioD8_ _ ______ __ ______ __ ____ _ 1560 Rehabilitation cooperation with State boards_ ___ _____ ______ ______ __ _ 1560 State licensing agencies; req uire- ments_______________________ 1560 Surveys, administrative measures, etc., by Office of Education_____ 1559 Blister Rust Control, appropriation for _ 267, 1442 Block Island, R. I., inner harbor, examina- tion authorized___________________ 1041 Bloomsburg, Pa., flood-control projcct authorized_ __ __ ______ _____ __ ____ _ 1574 Blue Ridge Parkway, N. C. and Va., es- tablishment and administration of __ 2041 Coordination of recreational develop- ment by National Park Service and Forest Service_ __ _____ __ _ _______ 2041 Roads and trails, construction oL _____ 2041