Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2124

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... XXXVBl INDEX. Congress-Continued. Page. Edwards, Maj. Gen. Clarence Ransom, posthumous presentation of Dis- tinguished Service Medal, in name of_____________________________ 1487 Employment of Members by contrac- tor, etc., under Merchant Marine Act, 1936, forbidden_____________ 2014 Federal Aviation Commission, disposi- tion of records, etc.; availability to Members of_ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ _ 334 Federal Trade Commission investiga- tion of agricultural income, etc., time extended__________________ 1567 Interstate compacts for flood control, etc., c on se nt granted to__________ 1490 Lake Champlain Bridge Commission, amendatory agreement between New York and Vermont ratified_ 736,1472 Massachusetts, construction, etc., bridges destroyed by floods, con - sent granted to_________________ 1199 Memorial Addresses, preparation and distribution_ __ ___ _________ ___ __ 1545 Notice of hearing under act of, publica.- tion in Federal Register__________ 502 Pamphlet copies of laws of each session, publication discontinued_ ________ 1552 Park, parkway, and recreational-area programs, consent granted to com- pacts between States with reference to planning, etc_________________ 1895 Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition, joint committee to greet return of- 176 "Session Laws", publication discon- tinued_________________________ 1552 Seventy-fifth, date of meeting________ 1826 Special reports to be made to, by/on- Air-mail contracts_________________ 617 Alaska Communication System, cost and extent of extensions and betterments to____ ____________ 1305 American Telephone and Telegraph Company investigation_ _______ 43 California Pacific International Ex- pos~ion______________________ 43 Civil Service Commission, overtime work of Go·rernmentemployees_ 1161 Clear Lake Watershed, CaUf., inves- tigation of violation of Federal water rights__ _______ _________ 1975 Constitution Sesquicentennial Com- mission_ _____________________ 736 Cooperative marketing associations, investigation by Court of Claims of losses by, due to grain stabili- zation activities______________ 1983 De Soto expedition anniversary cele- bratiop_ __________________ 870, 1386 Congress-Continued. Pqe. Special reports to be made to, by/on- Continued. District of Columbia Airport Com- mission_ _____________________ 1237 District of Columbia, study of fiscal relations between United States and_________________________ 1855 Federal Trade Commission- Agricultural implements and ma- chinery, investigation of cor- porations engaged in manufac- ture, etc., of. ____ ____ ____ ___ 1914 Agricultural income investigation; time for making report ex- tended__________________ 931,1256 Government employees, overtime work _______ ._ __ _ __ _ __ _____ ___ 1161 Great Lakes Exposition____________ 1246 International Exposition of Paris- Art and Technique in Modern Life, Paris, France, 1937_______ 1202 National Bituminous Coal Commis- sion______________________ 992,1007 Naval vessels, excess expenditures on repairs, etc____ ________ ______ _ 482 Oil and gas deposits; leases continued_ 677 Pershing Hall, Paris, France, memo- rial fund____________________ 426 Railroad Retirement Board _____ 971, 1098 Reclamation projects, committee to investigate financial and eco- nomic conditionof. ___________ 1206 River and harbor improvements, etc______________________ 1048,1049 Tennessee Valley Authority __ ___ ___ 1075, 1077, 1081 Texas Centennial Exposition _ ______ 435 Traffic conditions, investigation of. _ 1892 Washington-Lincoln Memorial Get- tysburg Boulevard Commission_ 285 State compacts fOl flood control, etc., consent granted; ratification by __ 1571 Virgin Islands, power to annul laws passed by legislative bodies of. _ _ _ 1811 Yerba Buena Island, consent granted to San Francisco, Calif., to construct cau8eway and highways on_______ 1913 Congressional Investigations, wit.nesses failing to appear, produce papers, etc.; certification of facts to United States attorney for grand jury action_ 2041 Congressional Record. See Printing Act of 1895, Amendments_ Congress of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, appropriat.on for expenses of delegates________ 239, 1850 Conneaut Harbor, Ohio, improvement authorized_ ______________________ 1037