Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2127

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INDEX. xli Crescent City, Calif.: Establishment of Coast Guard station at. ___________________________ _ Harbor improvement authorized _____ _ Criehaven Hartl'!'r, Maine, improvement authorized ______________________ _ Page. 1370 1038 1029 ('rimes, appropriation for detection and prosecution oL ______ __ __ ______ _ 77, 1322 Crimes and Misdemeanors. See also Criminal Code. Adjusted Compensation Payment Act, 1936, penalty provisions_________ 1102 Agricultural Adjustment Act, Amend- ments, penalty provisiuns_ ______ _ 759 Anti-Smuggling Act, penalty provi- sions _____________ . __________ 518-529 Antitrust Act of 1914, Amendments, penalty provisions _____ . . ________ 1528 Banking Act of 1935, penalty provi- sions ____________ 693,700-702,712,716 Bituminous Coal Conservation Act of 1935; penalty provisions_ _ ______ _ 1006 Canal Zone. See Canal Zone, Code Amendments. Coastwise Load Line Act of 1935, penalty provisions ____________ 890, 891 Commodity Exchange Act. penalty provisions __________________ 1500,1501 Crop production loans. 1935, false repre- sentation, etc___________________ 2H District of Columbia: Blind, care of; penalty for false rep- resentation, etc ______________ . . 747 Boiler Jnspectioll Act, penalty pro- visions ______ ____ ______ ____ ___ 1919 Bribery, punishment for _ _ _ ______ __ 1143 Motor Vehicle Liability Act- Failure to surrender operator's per- mit, etc_ ___ ___ __________ ___ 171 Forging eviden('e of ahility to re- spond in damages ________ _ __ 172 Old-a .ge assistan('ej penalty for false representation, etc_ _ ___ __ __ __ _ 749 Priva,te property, uJllawful entry on_ _ 37 Prostitution; penalties _ _____ __ __ ___ 651 Reckless driving, penalties for. _ _ _ _ _ 1901 l"nemployment Compensation A('t, penalty provisions _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ 955, 956 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 19a5, penalty provisions _ _ __ _____ 118 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 19a6, penalty provisions_ _ __ _____ 1610 Federal Alcohol Administration Act, unlawful practices, etc _____ 978,981-987 Federal Kidnaping Act, knowingly handling, etc., ransom money, penalty for __ ___ __ __ ______ _ . ___ 1099 Federal officers, punishm('nt fur killing or assaulting __ . . ____ ____ ___ . _. 110.' ) Crimes and Misdemeanors--Continued. Pagt'. Federal Power Act; unlawful acts; pen- alty provisions _______ . _. ______ 856,8H2 Food and Drugs Act, inspection of sea food; penalty for counterfeiting labels, etc___ __ __ ___ _____ ______ _ 871 Grand Army of the Republic encamp- ment, violation of regulations_ ____ 483 Historical sites, etc., preservation; pen- alty for violation of regulations_ __ 667 Home Owners' Loan Act, penalty pro- visions_ ______ ___ _______ ____ ____ 298 Hot Springs, Ark., Government bath- house at, use restricted; penalty for false oath of inability to pay __ 1979 Inaugural Ceremonies of 1937, viola- tion of reglllations of Commission- ers,D.C ______________________ 1824 Income tax returns, penalty for failure to file copy ___ _ ______ ____ __ _____ 1199 Penalty for unlawful disclosure_ ___ _ 159 Indian Arts and Crafts Board, penalty for counterfeiting, etc., trade mark used by; fraudulent practices_ _ __ 892 Interstate transportation of persons to interfere with right of peaceful picketing, penalty for____________ 1899 Investigations of shipping casualties, coercion, etc., of witnesses, penalty for____________________________ 1383 Kennesaw Mountain National Bat.tle- field Park, Ga., violation of regula- tions__________________________ 423 Liquor Enforcement Act of 1936, pen- alty provisions____ _______ _ __ 1928-1930 Liquor Law Repeal and Enforcement Act, penalty provisions ______ . _ 875, 877 Liquor Tax Administration Act- Bonded distiller selling product at place of manufacture, etc.; fail- ure to keep required records, etc_ 1963 Brewers, bottling products of another brewery _____ . _______ . _.. __ __ 19.') 1 Evasion of tax; failure to make true entries, reports, etc ____ . 1950 Failure to affix and cancel r('quired stamps_ _ __ _______ ____ 1949 Carrying on business without paying special tax, etc __________. _ _ _ _ . 1949 Gauger employing distiller to dis- charge duties, etc _____ . _______ 1941 Machine guns, etc., possession 0(, by violators __________________ . __ 1939 Rectifiers and wholesale dealers, fail- ure to keep required records, etc _ 1692 Rectifier's premises, violation of re- strictions on use, etc ______ ___ __ 1951 Removal, etc., of distilled spirits on which tax unpaid, other than to JIItcrnal Reycnue Warehouse_ __ 1962