Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2144

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lviii INDEX. F ...mers-Continued. Bankruptcy. See Bankruptcy Act of 1898, Amendments. Crop production and harvesting loans. See Farm Credit Administration. I.ands, etc., funds available fOl" loans to finance purchase of ____________ _ Loans and relief to, amount available for ___________________________ _ Mortgages. See Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, Amendments. Payment of claim for loans to, in storm- stricken areas _________________ _ Payments to. See Agricultural Ad- justment Act, Amendments; Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act. Valuing property of, for purposes of loans, by Farm Loan Commissioner_ Farmers' Loan and Trust Company v. Frank C. Bowers, exemption from limitation on counsel in cases entitled_ Feather River. Calif., examination au- thorized_________________________ _ Federal Aid Highway Act, Amendments. See also Highways. Appropriation authorized, fiscal years 1938 and 1939________________ - _ Federal reservations, etc., road con- struction ____________________ _ Forest highways, roads, and trails .. _ Indian reservation roads __________ _ National parks, etc., road construc- tion ________________________ _ Parkways_______________________ _ Railroad crossing elimination ______ _ Secondary or feeder roads_________ _ Apportionment of funds; submission of State projects, etc ______________ _ Gasoline, etc., taxes extended to fllel sold on military reservations, etc., not for exclusive Ilse of United States ________________________ _ "Highway" defined ________________ _ Matching requirements, suspension of, in certain cases ________________ _ Surveys, engineering, etc., investiga- tions; sums available for ________ _ Federal-Aid Highway System. See High- ways. Federal Alcohol Administration: l'age. 117 1608 61 300 !W2 159.5 1519 1520 1520 1521 1520 1520 1521 1521 1519 1521 1519 1519 1521 Appropriation for ___ _______ _________ 1834 Made inc:1.ependent estahlishment; abo- lition of office of Administrator; transfer of duties, etc____________ 1964 Appointment and transfer of em- ployees, experts, etc__ _________ 1U64 Members, appointment; terms; quali- fications, ctc_ _ _ _ ____ ____ _____ 1964 Compensation; powers, etc ___ . ___ 1Un5 Federal Alcohol Administration Act: Division establishcd in Treasury DC'- partment; Administrator; pl'Tson- nel; rules and rcgulations _______ _ Appropriations available __________ _ Cooperation of other dC'partment~, and agencics ________________ _ Applicability of provisions of F(·dcral Trade Com mission AcL ______ _ Reports _________________________ _ Unlawful husiness('s without llt'rmiL __ Permits, issue, etc., of; conditions; dura- Page. 977 977 977 H77 977 978 tion_ ____ __ _____ ___ ______ ____ 97S-fiRO Appeal from order denying applica- t.ion for_____________________ _ 980 Limitation on power t.o revok(' or suspend __ _ __ ____ __ ___ ___ _ ___ 9~0 Unfair competition and unlawful j,r:lC- tices; ex(,pptions ____________ .. _ !'IS 1-985 Bulk sales and bottling ____ __ _ ____ _ 9S5 Penaltyprovision. ________________ !'IR5 Jnterloeking directorates, prohibition; exceptions; punh;hmcnt for viola- t ion_ ____ __ ______ ______ ______ __ 986 Disposal of forfeited alcoholic bever- ages___________________________ 987 Control administration estahlis}wd by EXPclltive order abolished; trans- f('r of records, etc_______________ 987 Citrus-fruit wines, provisions appli('able t.o_____________________________ !'I87

Fortification of wines; withdrawals from

frUIt distillery or bonded ware- houses _______ ____ __ ___ ____ __ ___ fl88 Tax rate on liqueurs, etc., containil'll; citrus-fruit wine, etc _. . ___________ fl88

Fort.ification of pure and swe(·t wincs;

use of citrus-fruit brandy _ _ _ _____ fl88 Excmption of distillers of brandy from requiremcnts relating to spirits manufacture_ _ _ _______ ___ _ _____ 988 Warehouses, establishment adjacent to distilleries; removal of brandy ___ _ 989 Miscellane:ms provisions_ ___ _____ ____ 989 Definitiolls_ __ __ ___ _________ ______ U89 Rcservation of right to amend AeL_ 990 Hcparahility of provisiollS_ _ ________ 990 Amcndments- Certificate of labcl approval, with- holding release of products not covered by ____ ___ __________ __ 1965 l ...abeling provisions, cxtension of ('er- tain_________________________ 1152

\Iitigation of forfeitures, compro-

mise of claims, etc ____ .. ___. ____ 196t1 Permit provisiolls, extcnsioll of ('('r- taiIL. ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ 1152 Hight to lise specified names or hrands; standards of idelltit~·, quality, l'tc ________ . _____ . ___ 1966