Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2158

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lxx"" " "11 INDEX. Hill. David S., release of, from accounta- Page. bility for loss of Federal prop- erty_____________________________ 1278 Hillsboro Canal, Fla., examination RU- thorizecL______ ________ ___________ 1043 Hillsboro Inlet. Fla., examination author- ized_____________________________ 1044 Hillsboro River. Fla., e xa mination au- thorized_____ ____________________ 1593 Hilo Harbor, Hawaii, examination au- thorized__________________________ 1048 Hilton Head Lighthouse Reservation, S. C ., conveyance of portion of, to Department of Agriculture_ ___ ____ _ 308 Hinds' Parliamentary Precedents of the House of Representatives: Printing and distribution oL_________ 509 Sum authorized__________________ 510 Rdmbursemellt of Clarence Cannon for expenses in compiling, etc________ 5i1 Historic Sites, etc., preservation of. See National Park Sen·ice. Hitchcock, Sarah J., payment to_ _______ 592 Hiwassee River, dam construction; limi- tation _________________________ 596,597 Appropriation for eonstruction________ 1607 Hog Cholera, appropriation for investiga- tion, etc _ _ __________ __ ____ _______ 256 Hog Island, Va., establishment of Coast Guard station at__________________ 339 Hogs: Agricultural Adjustment Act, amend- ments- Cholera serum and virus; marketing agreements with manufacturers_ 781 Considered, with field corn, as one commodity____ __ ____ ____ _____ 752 Holding Companies. See also Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. Personal, tax on____________________ 1020 Surtax on. See Income Tax. Holland Harbor, Mich., improvement authorized_______________________ 1036 Holy Name Society, The, renewal of patent relating to badge of______ ___ 1389 Holyoke, Mass., bridge authorized across Connecticut River to South Hadley _ 1200 Home Economics, Bureau of. See Agri- culture, Department of. Home Loan Bank Act. See Federal Home Loan Bank Act. Home Loan Bank Board. See Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Home Mortgage Relief. See Federal Home Loan Bank Act; Home Own- ers' Loan Act; National Housing Act. Home Owners' Loan Act, Amendments: Appraisers, restrictions on____________ 297 Assessments upon real property for public improvements_ ___________ 296 Home Owners' Loan Act, Amend- I'agc. ments-Contin ued. Bond issue authorized; maturity datc; retirement of outstanding b01lds_ _ 296 Corporation officers and employees, qualifieutions__ __ __ ____ _________ 296 Exchange where lien hcld by institu- tion in liquidation_ ______________ 297 Federal Savings and Loan Associations, State chartered. institutions eon- vcrted into, lllay continue lucal business _ _ _ ___ ____ _________ ____ 297 Home financing, ete., clleouraging of,. amount inereasecL _ __ ___________ 297 "Home mortgage", "rcal estate" defi- nitions mociifiecL _ _ _ _____ _______ 296 Penalty provisions applicable__ ____ ___ 298 Solieiting unauthorized fees, etc____ _


Purchase of Federal Home Loan BallI. bonds, ete.; terms; maximum amount; !sum availablc_ _ _ _ __ ____


Real property maintenance, etc., maxi- mum allowance inereased for _ ____ 297 Homer Harbor, Kachemak Bay, Alaska, examination authorized____________ 1047 Homestead Entries: Applicability of cultivation require- lnents_________________________ 659 Final proof on, time extended for offeriug________________________ 504 Homestead Lands, lea,·e of absence to settlers oL ____________________ 286,1235 Homestead National Monument of Amer- ica, Nebr.: Establishment of; sum authorized __ . __ 1184 Annual appropriations authorized_ __ 118·1 Selection of site; supervision, ete ____ _ 1184 Homestead, Pa., time extended for bridging Monongahela River to Pittsburgh_ ____ __ ___ __ ____ ____ ___ 1197 Homochitto River, Miss., flood-control projects authorized________________ 1575 Homossassa River, Fla., improvement authorized_ __________ ___ ___ _ _____ 1033 Honduras, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to _____________ 69,1311 Honga River, Md., improvement au- thorized_________________________ 1031 Honolulu, Hawaii: Appropriation for hydrographic office expenses ____________________ 421,1420 Bond issue for flood prevention and con- trolauth01ized_________________ 4i9 Harbor improvement authorized_ _____ 1039 Hoosic Falls, N. Y., flood-control project authorized_ ____ _ ______ ______ _____ 15i2 Horn Harbor, Va.,' improvement author- ized_____________________________ 1031 Horn Island Pass, Miss., examination au- thorized_ - ___ ____________________ 1045