Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2172

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lLxxvi INDEX. International Obligations-Continued. Page. Appropriation for contributions, quoias, etc.- Continued. Childhood, American International Institute for Protection oL ___ 73, 1315 Congress of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain ________ 239,1850 Customs Tariffs, International Bu- reau for Publication oL ___ .__ . . 73,1315 Fisheries Commission, InternationaL 76, 1321 Forest Research Stations, Interna- tional Union oL ___________ 264, 1439 General and Special Cla.ims COllven- tions, United States and Mexi(!o_ 75, 1320 Geodesy and Geophysics, Interna- tional Union oL______________ 1316 Gorgas Memorial Laboratory _ ____ 73, 1315 Hydrographic Bureau, Interna- tionaL _ _ _ __ _______ ___ ___ __ 73, 1315 Industrial Property, International Bureau for Protection oL_ .. __ 73,1315 Inter-American Conference, 1936, pa.rticipation expenses_ ____ ___ _ 1319 International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico ____ 74, 1317 I International Boundary Commission, United States- Canada, and Alaska-Canada _____________ 74,1318 International Council of Scientific Unions______________________ 1316 International Geographical Union___ 1316 International Joint Commission, United States and Great Brit- ain ________________________ 74,1318 International Labor Organization_ 73, 1316 International Meteorological Com- mittee_ _ ______ ________ ___ ___ _ 1428 International Radio Consulting Com- mittee, Rumania, 1937, partici- pation expenses_______________ 1316 Map of the World, InternationaL_ 73,1316 Narcotics Convention, 1931, Imple- menting ___________________ 73,1316 Panama, payment to government oL _______ __ _______ ________ 73, 1315 Pan American Institute of Geogrn- phy and History __ ___ __ ____ ___ 1316 Pan American Sanitary Bureau___ 73,1315 Pan American Union ____________ 73,1315 Penal and Penitentiary Commission, International. _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ 73, 13W Permanent International Commis- sion of the Congresses of Navi- gation_______________________ 146 Physics, International Union oL__ __ 1316 Public Health, International Office of _________________________ 73,1315 International Obligations-Continued. Page. Appropriation for contributions, quotas, etc.- Continued. Road Congresses, })ermanent Associ- ation of InternationaL ______ 73, 1316 Scientific Radio Union, InternationaL 1316 Seed Testing Congress, Interna· t ionaL _ _ _ ____ _____ _______ 2(iO. 14:35 Smelter-fumes controyersy, arbitra- tion oL ___ ____ ________ __ _____ 1319 Speciall\Iexican Claims Conuuisliion_ 1320 Statistical Bureau, International. _ 73, 1315 Trade-l\lark Burl'au, Inter-Ameri- can ________________________ 73,1315 lVaterways Treaty, Cnited States and Great Britain ___________ 74.1318 Weights and l\Ieasures, International Bureau oL _________________ 73,1315 Wheat Adyh;ory Committee, Inter- nationaL _________________ 2~0, 145() Deficiency appropriation for contrIbu- tions, quotas, etc.- Aerial Legal Experts, International Technical Committee of __ _ ____ 1123 Arbitration, Bureau of Interparlia- mentary Cllion for Promotion of InternationaL_ ____ ____ __ _____ 591 Associated Country Women of the W orId, Third Triennial Meeting, expenses_ __ ______ ___ __ ____ _ __ 11)33 Aviation Conference, Lima. Peru__ __ 1632 Canada, schooner I'm Alone damage claim- ___ - -_ _________________ 55 Criminals, expenses of bringing home from foreign countries_ _ _______ 55 General and Spedal Claims Com'en- tions, United States and Mexico_ 590 Hydrographic Bureau, InternationaL 1634 International Astronomical Union_ __ 112~ International Boundary Commission, Fnited States and Mexico_ __ __ _ 1631 International Congress of l\Iilitary Medicine and Pharmacy, Eighth_ 591 International Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy, ~inth_ 1634 International Council of Scientific r nions _ _ _ ____ ____ ________ ___ 1123 International Exposition, Paris, France, participation expenses_ _ 1633 International Geographical Cnion_ _ 1123 International Joint Commission, l-nited States and Great Britain_ 1631 International Labor Organization_ 588, 590 International Scientific Radio Union_ 1123 International Fnion of Chemistry _ __ 1123 International tTnion of Geodesy and Gcophysics ________ .. __________ 1123 International FIlion of })hysics _____ 1123 l\1ixed Claims Commission, r nit-ed States aud Germany _ _ __ ______ 1631