Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2181

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INDEX. xcv Legislativ(, Branch of the Government- Page. Contihued. Deficienic,f appropriation for-Contd. Hous(~ of Representatives- BU(~kbee, John T., payment to !'df 58 , ,"VI 0\"0 ___________________ 19 BYlms, Joseph W., payment to i widow oC__________________ 1598 Cal~non, Clarence, reimbursement loC-_______________________ 571 Caliden, Cap R., payment to

widow oC__________________ 571

Cletk hire____ ______ ____________ 1110 COI.unittee on Revision of the I I..aws______________________ 49 COIlu:sted-election expenses __ 1109, 1598 COI~tingentexpenses----- 571,1110,1598 Gri~n, Anthony J. , payment to

widowof. _________________

49 Kir~ball. Henry M., payment to i widow oL__________________ 1109,dis, Frederick, payment to


49 Llo.~d, Wesley, payment to widow

of. ________________________

1109 Per~ins, Randolph, payment to

widow oC__________________ 1598

Railley, Henry T., payment to Iwidow oC__________________ 49 Rer,aiJ's and improvements_______ 1110 Ru(ld, Stephen A. , payment to I widow oC__________________ 1598 Speflker's office_________________ 571 Spebial and select committees_ 1267, 1598 Thdmn.s, William D., payment to ! \\idow oC__________________ 1598 Trulax, Charles V., payment to I widow oC__________________ 1109 Joint ~ommittee on Inaugural Cere- m.onies, 1937_ ________________ 1599 Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation_____ _____ ________ ___ 1599 Library of Congress_______________ 572 Books for adult blind____ 572,1110,1600 Legisla.tive Reference Service_____ 1110 Pers;onal services__________________ 1110 Senate-: - Assh:tant clerk, Committee on Ac- counts_____________________ 1597 Cha,-cz, Dennis, contested-election expenses___________________ 1109 Fletcher, Duncan U., payment to widow oC__________________ 1597 Folding speeches, etc., additional, 1936______________________ 1272 Hall, Grant P., payment to, for fPn-ices, contested election_ __ 1109 Inquiries and investigations_ _____ 571, 1109,1597 Long. II uey P., payment to '"idow of_ 1109 Legislative Branch of the Govemment- Pa&e. Continued. Deficiency appropriation for-Contd; Senate-Continued. items_____ 571,1109,1597 Schall, Thomn.s D., payment to widow oL__________________ 1109 Trammell, Park, payment to widow oC________________________ 1597 Williams, George H., payment to, for services, contested election_ 1109 United States Constitution Sesqui- centennia.l Commission_ _ ______ 1599 Availability of appropriations_ __ _____ 477 Private vehicle restriction _________ 476, 1231 Legislative Counsel, Office of, appropria- tion for_____ . . _________________ 468,1223 Legislative Reference Service, appropria- tion fOL ____ . . ____________ 471,1110,1227 Leif Erikson Day, issue of proclamation designating _ ___ __________________ 392 Leland Harbor, Mich., improvement au- thorized_ _ ___ _____ __ ____ ____ _____ 1036 Lemon Bay, Fla., examination of cut-off to Gulf of Mexico authorized_________ 1044 Leon River, Tex., examination authorized_ 1593 Lepers, appropriation for care, transpor- tation, etc_ __ ______ ___________ 399, 1399 Leroy, Kans., flood-control project au- thorized_________________________ 1579 Lewis Bay, Mass., examination author- ized_____________________________ 1041 Lewisburg, Pa., appropriation for peniten- tiary maintenance_____ __________ __ 53 Lewis Creek, Ky., examination author- ized_____________________________ 1045 Lewis, Elmer A., appropriation for salary_ 465, 1221 Lewis River, Wash.: Examination authorized_ _ ___________ 1595 Flood-control projects authorized_ ___ _ 1591 Lewiston, Idaho, bridge authorized across Snake River between, and Clarkst.on, 'VasIL ___________________________ 27 Liberia, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to_ __ _ _____________ 69, 1311 Library of Congress. See also Legislative Branch of the Government. Annex construct.ion, etc., cost limit in- (~reased _____________________ 326, 1226 Decisions of the Supreme Court, reports and digests, distribution to, for law library and international exchange_ 1549 Government publications, distribution to; international exchange________ 1550 Historical and DIn-a! dooumellts, copies to be furnished teL______________ 420 Pennell, Joseph, acceptance of bequest of, authorized __________________ 1206