Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2199

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National Labor Relations Act-Contd. Invcstigatory powers of Board_______ _ Scrvicc of proccss ________________ _ Coopcmtion of Government d('part- men ts, ete __________________ _ Board mcmbers, punishment for intcr- ference with, in performance of duties ________________________ _ Limitations; right to strike; conflicts Page. 455 456 456 456 with other acts; separability clause_ 457 Short title_ _ _ _ _____ _ __________ ____ _ 457 National Labor Relations Board: Appropriation for _ _________ 1112, 1177, 1603 Transfer of pending cases involving employer-employee disputes, car- riers by air, to National Mediation Board_________________________ 1191 National Library for the Blind, D. C ., appropriation for _______________ 367,1882 National Mediation Board: Appropriation for _________ 13 ,23,1177,1603 Jurisdiction extended to employer- employee labor disputes, carriers by air _ _ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ _______ 1189 Transfer to, by National Labor Rela- tions Board, of pending cases in- volving employer-employee dis- putes, carriers by air _ _ ___ _______ 1191 National Monuments. See also Interior, Department of; National Park Serv- ice. Appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 209, 1794 Andrew Johnson, Tenn., creation_ _ ___ 958 Appomattox Court House National Historical Monument, Va., cstab- lishment, etc_ _ _ __ ____ __________ 613 Badlands, boundarics cxtended _ _ _____ 1979 Colonial, Va., lands added to_ __ ____ __ 1483 Name changed to "Colonial Na- tional Historical Park" _ _ _____ _ 1483 Craters of thc Moon, Idaho, elimination of certain lands from _ ____ _______ 1484 Fort Frcderica, Ga., establishment, etc., of_____________________________ 1373 Fort Marion, Fla., adjustment of boundaries; acceptance of dona- tions, etc _ _ _ ____ ________ _____ __ 2029 Fort Pulaski, Ga., boundaries ex- t~ncled______ __ __ __ _____________ 1979 Fort Stanwix, N. Y ., establishment_ _ _ 665 Glacier Bay, Alaska, area made subject to location, etc., under mining laws_ 1817 Homestead, Nebr., establishment, etc_ 1184 Patrick Henry, Va., establishment, ad- ministration, ctc_ __ __ ___ ____ ____ 652 Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial National MOIllUIlent, establishment; d('scription; etc_ __ 1393 Whitman, Wash., estahlishment, ad- ministration, etc________________ 2028 National Mortgage Associations. See Page. National Housing Act. National Munitions Control Board. See Neutrality Act. National Museum, D. C. , appropriation for _______________________ 15,1179,1604 National Parks. See also Interior, Depart- ment of; National Park Scrvice. Appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 206, 1791 Acadia, Maine-- Abandoned fish cultural station added to_____________________ 312 Island added to, in exchange for radio station site; bridge authorized __ Big Bend, Tex., e stablishment, etc., oL Crater Lake, Oreg. , appointment, etc., of commissioner; payment of sal- ary ___________________________ _ Fort McHenry, Md., area enlarged___ _ Hot Springs, Ark., boundaries extended_ Kennesaw Mountain National Battle- field Park, Ga., establishment, etc_ Acquisition of land, erection of monu- ments, regulations, etc________ _ Administration by National Park Service _____________________ _ Appropriation authorized _________ _ Appropriation for ______________ _ Richmond National Battlefield Park, Va. , establishment, etc _________ _ Acquisition of land, acceptance of donations, etc _______________ _ Supervision by National Park Serv- ice _________________________ _ Wind Cave, game preserve transferred to ____________________________ _ National Park Service. See al,~o Interior, Department of; National Parks. Ackia, Miss., national monument, super- vision, etc _____________________ _ American Expeditionary Forces me- morial, erection ________________ _ Andrew Johnson National Monument, Tenn., cr eation; administration by_ Appomattox Court House National Historical Monument, Va., estab- lishment; acquisition of land, etc __ Badlands National Monument, bound- aries extended; administration, etc., by _________________ . _ __ _ _ _ Blue Rid!!:e Parkway, N. C., and Va., administratiOll, etc _____________ _ Coordination of recreational develop- ment with Forest Service _____ _ Boy Scout Jamboree, D. C., permits for use of public spaces, etc ________ _ Cl'ntral heating plant to furnish steam to Federal Reserve Board_______ _ Rates fur designated non-Federal buildings ____________________ _ 795 393 422 1448 1516 423 423 424 424 584 1155 1156 1156 383 897 798 958 613 1979 2041 2041 443 425 425