Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2203

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INDEX. cxvii Navy Department-Continued. Page. Appropriation for-Continued. Hydrographic Office, contingent, etc. , expenses, branch offices________ 419, 420, 1418, 1419 Inspection and Survey, Board oL 419, 1418 Judge Advocate General, Office oL__ 419, 1418 Lepers, care of, Guam; transfer to Culion, P. L ______________ 399,1399 Marine Corps, pay, etc., oL _____ 414, 1414 General expenses _____________ 416 ,1415 Pay of civilian employees _____ 415,1415 l\-Iedicine and Surgery, Bureau oL __ 411, 419, 1410, 1418 Care, etc. , of the dead ________ 412 ,1411 Naval Communications, Office of Director of.. ______________ 419, 1418 Naval Intelligence, Office oL ____ 419,1418 Naval Observatory _____________ 419, 1418 Contingent, etc., expenses _____ 421,1420 N5.val Operations, Office of Chief of- 419, 1418 Naval Records and Library, Office oL _______________________ 419,1418 Navigation, Bureau of. 400 ,419, 1400, 1418 Instruments and supplies _____ 402, 1402 Naval Academy _____________ 404, 1403 Naval Home, Philadelphia ____ 405, 1404 Naval Reserve _______________ 403, 1402 Ocean and lake surveys _______ 402, 1402 State Marine Schools_________ 402,1401 Training, education, and welfare__ 400, 1400 Navy, increase of the______________ 417 Ordnance, Bureau of._ 406,419,:1406,1418 Petroleum reserves, operation, etc., oL _______________________ 400,1399 Printing and binding ___________ 420,1419 Historical and naval document!S___ 420, 1419 Prison farms and personneL _____ 400, 1400 Replacement of naval vessels_______ 1416 Research laboratory ____________ 400, 1399 Salaries ____ _____ ___ ___________ 419, 1418 Secretary, Office of. ___ 398,419,1398,1418 Expenses, miscellaneous ______ 398, 1398 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau oL ______________ 407,419,1406,1418 Fuel, transportation, etc., oL __ 411, 1410 High explosives, evacuation of, to Hawthorne, Nev ___ ___ ______ 410 Maintonance ____ ~ ___________ 410, 1409 Pay, subsistence, and transporta- tion _______________ _____ 407, 1406 Yards and Docks, Bureau oL______ 412, 419,1411 ,1418 Contingent expenses __________ 413,1412 Public works, construction, etc., oL _____________________ 413,1412 Navy Department-Continued. Page. Deficiency appropriation for- Audited claims _______________ 63,66,604, 605,1129,1130,1131 , 1133 , 1644, 1646 Construction alld Repair, Bureau oL 1628 Damage claims _____________ . ___ __ 59, 601,602,1126 ,1127 ,1628 Engineering, Bureau oL _ _________ _ 1628 Increase of the Navy; armor, etc. , for authorized vessels___ ___ _______ 598 Judgments, payment OL___________ 60, 602, 1127, 1128 , 1643 Marine Corps ________________ 1122,1629 Marine Band, attendance at desig- nated Expositions, etc_ __ 1I22, 1629 Naval Observatory, contingent, etc. , expenses_____________________ 588 Navigation, Bureau oL ______ 54 ,589,1627 Rogers, Henry H., acceptance of bequest of, expenses incident to ________________________ _ Training, education, and welfare__ Transportation ________________ _ Navy and Marine Memorial Monu- 1628 1627 1627 ment, D. C__________________ 588 Navy, increase of the______________ 1629 Secretary'a Office ______ 54 ,588,1122,1627 Bolger, Elizabeth, payment to____ 54 Callahan, Cecelia, payment to____ , 162 7 Collision damage claims_ _ _ ____ __ 54, 588, 1122 , 1627 Navy and Marine Memorial Mon- umenL____________________ 162i Supplies alld Accounts, Bureau of. _ _ 54, 588, 1628 Erwin, Sue Hall, payment to_____ 54 Fuel; transportation, etc., oL____ 589 Pay, subsistence, and transporta- timl_ __________ ._________ 54, 588 Yards and Docks, Bureau oL589, 598,1628 Balboa, Coco Solo, C. Z ., ammuni- tion depots_________________ 598 Dahlgrcn, Va., proying ground___ 1628 Mare hland, Calif., navy :yard_ _ _ Hi28 Newport, R. I., nayal torpedo Bta- tion_. _____________________ 1628 Norfolk, Va., naval air station and operating base______________ 1628 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, na\'y yard and fl eet air base _ _ _ _____ 598. Hi29 Pensacola, Fla., air station_ ______ 5S9 Puget Sound, Wash., navy yard_ _ 598 Quantico, Va., marine barracks_ __ 5S9 Active duty pa.y, etc., not available to officers in excess of eight on retired list. ____ _______ _______ _______ __ 408 Active duty pa.y, etc., not available to officers in excess of nine on rl'tired list. ___________________________ 1407 Aerial flights by llonfiyillg officers __ 407 , 1406