Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2221

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INDEX. CL"UV Printing Act of 1895, Amendments- Page. Continued. National Archives, printing and distri- bution of publications to__ _______ 386 OWllership of Government publications_ 1552 Paper and envelopes, comparison v;ith standard quality; acceptance of re- jected paper at discount- ___ _ - ___ 1553 Public bills and resollltio:ls, fumishing of, to Goyermnent departments___ 1553 Statutes at Large; publication at end of each sessi()u; contents; admissibil- ity in evidence_________________ 1551 DistributioIl _________________ - - ___ 1551 Pi1mphlet copies of the statutes of each session, discontinuauce oL_ 1552 Printing and Binding: Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of- __ __ 249, 1423 American Battle Monuments Com- mission _____________________ 7,1168 Bituminous Coal Commission, Na- tional _________________ - - - ___ 1761 Consumers' Counsel_____________ 1761 Bituminous Coal Labor Board______ 1352 Board of Tax Appeals ____________ 7,llG9 Central Statistical Board__________ 1169 Civil Service Commissioll_ ______ __ 7, 1170 Commerce, Department oL ______ 86 , 1332 Patent Office _________________ 99,1345 Court of Claims__________________ 1325 Customs and Patent Appeals, Court of _________________________ 80,1325 Customs Court, United States____ 80,1325 District of Columbia _________ - - 345, 1859 Supreme Court and Court of Ap- }>eals ___________________ 362,1877 Employees' Compensation Conunis- sion ________________________ 9,1171 Executive Office _________________ 6,1168 Farm Credit Administration________ 281 Federal Communications Commis- sion _______________________ 10,1172 Federal Home Loan Bank Board____ 10 Federal Power Commission _______ 10, 1172 Federal Trade Commission _______ 11,1173 Fine Arts Commission __________ 179, 1760 General Accounting Office ________ 11,1173 General and Special Claims Conven- tions, United States and Mexico_ 75 Government Printing Office _____ 474 ,1230 Interior, Department oL _______ _ 179, 1759 Education, Office oL _________ 179,1759 Geological Survey ____________ 201 ,1786 Indian Affairs, Bureau oL ____ 182,1763 Mines, Bureau oL ___________ 179,1759 National Park Service________ 179, 1759 Reclamation, Bureau oL ______ 197,1781 International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico______ 74 104019°--36 - -- -137 Printing and Binding-Continued. Page. Appropriation for-Continucd. International Institute of Agricul- ture_________________________ 73 Interstate Commerce COlllmission_ 13, 1175 Justice, Dcpartment oL _________ 77,1322 Labor, Department oC _________ 102,1347 Library of Congress ____________ 473,1228 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ________________ 13,1176 NationalArchh-es_________________ 1176 National Labor Relations Board_ _ __ 1177 National Mediation Board ____ 14 ,23,1178 National Railroad Adjustment Board_______________________ 1178 Nayy DepartmenL ____________ 420,1419 Historiealandnavaldocuments_ 420, 1419 Hydrographic Office __________ 420,1420 Kaval Reserve Officers' Training Corps __________________ 420,1420 Pan American 1'ni011______________ 73 Perry's Victory Memorial Commis- sion_________________________ 179 Petroleum Administration_____ ___ __ 1760 Post Office DepartmcnL ________ 236,1846 Railroad Retirement Board_ _ __ ____ 1178 Securities and Exchange Commis- SiOIL ___________________ 15,24,1179 Smithsonian Institution __________ 16,1180 State, Department oL ___________ 68,1311 Foreign trade, promotion oL ___ 69, 1311 Territorial Papers of the United Statcs ___________________ 69,1311 Supreme Court of the United States_ 79, 1324 Tariff Commission ______________ 16,1180 Treasury Department __________ 220,1830 Bureau of the Budget________ 222,1833 United States Court for China______ 81 United States Housing Corporation_ 104 Veterans' Administration _ _ _ __ ___ 18, 1182 War Department ______________ 122 ,1280 Panama Canal Zone____ _____ __ __ 147 Washington, George, pUblication of writingsof. - - - - - ___ ________ __ 38 Deficiency appropriation for-- Accident Prevention Conference____ 1618 Associated Country Women of the WorId, Third Triennial Meet- ing__________________________ 1633 Aviation Conference, Lima, · Peru__ _ Bituminous Coal Commission _____ _ Consumers' CounseL ___________ _ Bituminous Coal Labor Board_____ _ Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International 1631 1119 1119 1627 Arbitration______ _______ __ ___ _ 591 Central Statistical Board_ _____ ____ 1111 Civil Service Commission_ ______ 573, 1111