Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2227

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INDEX. cxli Puerto Rico-Continued. Page. Agricultural research, experiment sta- tions, etc., sums authorized to pro- vide for________________________ 436 Bonds, etc., certain; exemption in com- putation of public indebtedness of- 516 Issued and sold to United States, etc., not considered public in- debtedness___________________ 611 Cigar-filler tobacco production, estab- lishment of marketing quotas if designated State compacts made__ _ 1241 Marketing certificates, issuance of, to producers____________________ 1242 Payments to producers for deficits in quotas__________________ 1242 Sales prohibited except under mar- keting certificates_ __________ 1242 Coffee import taxes and duties legalized and ratified____________________ 664 Distilled spirits and wines rectified in bonded warehouses, withdrawal for shipment to; collection of duties__ 1960 Forest roads and trails, apportion- ment of sums for________________ 281 Harbor improvements authorized_ ___ _ 1039 Preliminary examinations 9.uthor- ized_________________________ 1048 Highways, allotment of funds for con- struction, etc., oL ________ .. _____ 116 National Prohibition Act, extension of Title III to; advances by, for ad- ministrative expenses; deposit in separate trust fund______________ 1957 Prison-made products, transportation prohibition___ _____ ______ __ __ ___ 494 Rehabilitation fund provided for ___ ___ 1135 Revolving fund created; purposes; duration_____________________ 1135 Hurricane insurance fund; sum authorized to be transferred__ 1136 Premiums; amount and disposi- tion of ___________________ 1136 Use of, only when commercial in- surance not available_ _____ 1136 Rural rehabilitation projects______ 1135 Transfer of processing tax balances to, authorized______________ 1135 Rural post road construction, Federal aid extended to_________________ 1891 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, application of provisions to_____________________________ 1151 Tobacco, definition; exemption from tax imposition__ ___ ____ ____ _____ 778 Topographic and geological surveys in_ 386 Puget Sound, Wash.: Appropriation for construction, etc., at navyyard ___________________ 413,598 Puget Sound, Wash.- Continued. Page. Construction authorized at navy yard and ammunition depot__________ 155 Time extended for bridging, at The Narrows_ ______________________ 907 Pulaski Memorial Day, observance oC 327, 1565 Purgatoire River, Colo., examination autho:'ized _______ . ____________ 442, 1594 Put-in-Ba), South Bass Island, Ohio: Harbor examination authorized__ _ ___ _ 1046 Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial National Monument, establishment, etc. _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ 1393 Puyallup Indians, Wash., appropriation for industrial assistance____________ 1767 Puyallup River, Wash. , flood-control projects authorized_ _______________ 1591 Pyramid Lake Indians, N ev., appropria- tion for industrial assistance________ 185 Q Quantico, Va.: Construction at marine barracks____ 156,589 Exchange of lands aL ___ ______ _____ _ 395 Quarantine Service, appropriation for _ 229, 1839 Quartermaster Corps. See War Depart- ment. Queen Creek, Ariz., e xa mination author- ized_____________________________ 1595 Quinaielt Indians, Wash., appropriation for industrial assistance_ ___________ 1767 R Radio. See Communications Act of 1934, Amendments. Radio Consulting Committee, Inter- national, Rumania, 1937, appropria- tion for participation expcnses______ 1316 Radio Facilities, extension of tax on_____ 431 Rahway River, N. J ., improvement au- thorized_ _ ____ __ __________ _______ 1030 Railroad Adjustment Board, National, appropriation for ______ 23, 574, 1178, 1603 Railroad Reorganization. See Bankruptcy Aet of 1898, Amendments. Railroad Retirement Act of 1935: Definitions_ ________________________ 967 Retiremcnt; annuitics _____________ 968,969 Annuities to representatives________ 969 Payments upon death_____________ 970 Retirement Board; personnel; duties; special report___ ______________ 970, 971 Iuvestigation Commission; appoint- ment, powers, etc_______________ 972 Court jurisdiction__ _________________ 973 Annuity payment not assignable or subject to tax, garnishment, ctc__________________________ 973 Penalty provision_________________ 973