Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/286

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH . 110. MAY 14,193-5 . dental to post offices of the first, second, and third classes, and offices of the fourth class having or to have rural delivery service, and for letter boxes ; for the purchase of atlases and geographical and tech- nical works not to exceed $1,500 ; for wra ppin g t wine and ty ing devices ; for expenses incident to the shipment of supplies, including hardware, boxing, packing, and not exceeding $44,500 for the pay of employees in co nnection therewit h in the District of Columbia ; f or rental, purchase, exchange, and repair of canceling machines and motors, mechani cal mail-handling apparatus, and o ther labor-saving devices, including cost of power in rented buildings and iniscella- neous expenses of installation and operation of same, including not to exceed $28,000 for salaries of ten traveling mechanicians, and for traveling expenses, $2,260,000 : Provided, That the Postmaster Gen- eral may authorize the sale to the public of post-route maps and rural delivery maps or blueprints at the cost of printing and 10 per centum thereof added : Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of furniture and complete equipment for third-class post offices except lock boxes, as herein provided and miscellaneous equipment of the general character furnished such offices during the fiscal year 1931 . Equipment Shops, Washington, Dist ric t of Col umb ia

For the

purchase, m anufacture, and r epair of mail bag s and other mail con- tainers and attachments, mail locks, keys, chains, tools, machinery, and material necessary for same, and for incidental expenses pertain- ing thereto ; material, machinery, and tools necessary for the manu- facture and repair of such other equipment for the Postal Service as may be deemed expedient ; for the expenses of maintenance and repair of the mail bag equipment shops building and equipment, including fuel, light, power, and miscellaneous supplies and services ; for compensation to labor employed in the equipment shops and in the operation, care, maintenance, and protection of the equipment shops building, $850,000, of which not to exceed $539,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Pro- vided, That out of this appropriation the Postmaster General is authorized to use as much of the sum, not exceeding $15,000, as may be de emed ne cess ary for the purchase of material and the manufacture in the equipment shops of such small quantities of distinctive equipments as may be required by other executive departments ; and for service in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Philippine Islands, Hawaii, or other island possessions . Rent, light, and fuel : For rent, light, fuel, and water, for first, second, and third class post offices, and the cost of advertising for lease proposals for such offices, $14,150,000 . Pneumatic tube service : For the transmission of mail by pneu- matic tubes or other similar devices in the city of New York, includ- ing the Borough of Brooklyn of the city of New York, at an annual rate not in excess of $19,500 per mile of double line of tubes, including power, labor, and all other operating expenses, $558,260 . For the rental of not exceeding two miles of pneumatic tubes, not includin g labor and powe r in operating th e same, for the t ransmis- sion of mail in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, $24,000 : Provided, That the provisions not inconsistent here with of the Acts of April 21, 1902 (U. S. C., title 39, sec. 423), andMay27,1908(U.S.C., title 39, sec . 423), relating to the transmission of mail by pneumatic tubes or other similar devices shall be applicable hereto . Vehicle service : For vehicle service ; the hire of vehicles ; the rental of garage facilities ; the purchase, exchange, and maintenance of mo tor vehic les ; the hi re of supervisors , clerical assis tance, 10401W- :'(1 16 Twine, etc . 241 Provisos. Sale of maps, etc . Furniture, etc., third- class offices. Equipment shops, materials, etc . Services in the Dis . tric t. Proviso . Disti nctiv e equip - ment for departments, Alask a, and isl and pos- sessions. Rent, light, etc., first-, second-, and third-class offic es. Pneumatic tube serv. i ce. Proviso . Provisions applicable . Vol. 32, p. 114; Vol. 35, p. 412. U.S.C.,p.1737. Vehicle service . Post, p. 163 0 .