Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/301

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 131. MAY 17, 1935. it has been sold, shipped, or delivered for the purpose of being Restriction on pay- slaughtered : Provided further, That out of the money hereby appro- ments. priated no payment as compensation for any cattle condemned for slaughter shall exceed one-third of the difference between the appraised value of such cattle and the value of the salvage thereof

that no payment hereunder shall exceed the amount paid or to be paid by the State, Territory, county, and municipality where the animal shall be condemned ; that in no case shall any payment here- under be more than $25 for any grade animal or more than $50 for any purebred animal, and that no payment shall be made unless the owne r has complied with all lawful quarantine re gulations . Eradicating cattle ticks .

Eradicating cattle ticks : For all necessary expenses for the eradi- . Proviso .

cation of southern cattle ticks, $613,940 : Provided, That, except upon Limitation on pur- chases . the written order o f the Secretary of Agricultur e, no part of t his appropriation shall be used for the purchase of animals or in the purchase of materials for or in the construction of dipping vats upon land not owned solely by the United States, except at fairs or expositions where the Department of Agriculture makes exhibits or va Mixtures for di pp ing demonstrations ; nor shall any part of this appropriation be used in the purchase of materials or mixtures for use in dipping vats except in experimental or demonstration work carried on by the officials or agents of the Bureau of Animal Industry . Animal husbandry .

Animal husbandry : For all necessary expenses for investigations and experiments in animal husbandry ; for experiments in animal etc .eeding , bree ding, feeding and breeding, including cooperation with the State agricul- tural experiment stations and other agencies, including repairs and additions to and erection of buildings absolutely necessary to carry on the experiments, including the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, rent outside the District of Columbia, an d all other n ecessa ry exp enses, $757, 663, in cludin g $12, 500 fo r live- Big Springs, Tex ., stock experiments and demonstrations at Big Springs or elsewhere demonstrations, etc . in Texas, to be available only when the State of Texas, or other Condition . cooperating agency in Texas shall have appropriated an equal amount or, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, shall have furn ished its equiv alent in value in cooperation for the same p ur- Pr oviso Poul try fe eding, etc . pose during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936 : Provided That of the sum thus approp riated $231,180 may be used f or experiments in poultry feeding and breeding, of which amount $40,000 may be used in cooperation with State authorities in the administration of regu- lations for t he impr ovemen t of p oultry, poult ry pro ducts, and hatcheries . Anim al disease inves - Diseases of animals : For all necessary expenses for scientific tigations . investigations of diseases of animals, including the construction of Beltsville, Md., sta- necessary buildings at Beltsville, Maryland, the maintenance of the ti Be thesd a . Md ., sta- bureau experime nt station at B ethesda, Maryla nd, and the ne cessary tion . expenses for in vestigations of tuberculin, se rums, antitoxi ns, and Pr oviso .

analogous products, $381,755 : Provided, That of said sum $74,480 Contagious abortion of an imals . may be used for researches concerning the cause, modes of spread, and methods of treatment and prevention of the disease of contagious abortion of animals . Hog cholera investi- Eradicating hog cholera : For investigating the disease of hog gations, etc' cholera and related swine diseases, and for their control or eradica- tion by s uch mean s as may be nece ssar y, i nclu ding dem onst rati ons, the formation of organizations, and other methods, either inde- Prom%sos pendently or in cooperation with farmers' associations, State or Regulating trade in county authorities, $373,424 : Provided, That of said sum $218,712 viruses, etc. shall be available for expenditure in carrying out the provisions of Vol. 37, A° 832, u. s. C.,p. s3i,

the Act approved March 4, 1913 (U. S . C., title 21, sees . 151-158), regulat ing th e prep aratio n, sale , bart er, ex change , or sh ipment of an y