Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/307

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS.I. CH. 131. MAY 17, 1935. of supplies and materials stored therein for distribution to projects under the supervision of the Forest Service and for sale and distri- bution to other Government activities, the cost of such supplies and ma terial s, incl uding the co st of superv ision, transp ortati on, an d han- dling, to be reimbursed to appropriations current at the time addi- tional supplies and materials are procured for warehouse stocks from the appropriations chargeable with the cost of stock issued ; to pay freight, express, telephone, and telegraph charges ; for electric light and power, fuel, gas, ice, and washing towels, and official traveling and other necessary expenses, including traveling expenses for leo'al and fiscal officers while performi ng Forest Serv ice work ; and F or rent outside the District of Columbia, as follows of5o f ores er and General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of the Chief For- ester and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $358,300. Outside rent . National fores ts . Administrative, etc ., expenses . Pr oviso . Direct purchases . Lands opened to en- try, etc. Vol. 34, p. 233; Vol. 37, pp . 287,842. ti s.C.,pp. 664, 665. Purchase or acquisi- tion . Vol. 36, p. 963; Vol. 43,p.655;U.S.C.,pp. 657-670 . Allotments . Proviso . Care of graves of fire fighters . NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION For the administration, protection, and development of the national forests, including the compensation and traveling expenses of field personnel ; the purchase of materials, supplies, and equip- ment ; th e establishment and maintenanc e of forest tr ee nurseries, including the procurement of tree seed and nursery stock by pur- chas e, production, or otherwise, s eeding and tre e planting and the care of plantations and young growth ; the maintenance and opera- ti on of aerial fire c ontrol by co ntract or oth erwise , but not in cluding the purchase of landing fields or aircraft ; the maintenance of roads and trails and the construction and maintenance of all other improvements necessary for the proper and economical administra- tion, protection, development, and use of the national forests Provided, That where, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, direct purchases will be more economical than construction, improve- ments may be purchased ; the construction and maintenance of sani- tary facilities and for fire preventive and other measures incident to recreational developments a nd use ; contr ol of destru ctive forest tree diseases and insects ; timber cultural operations ; development and application of fish and game management plans ; propagation and transplanting of plants suitable for planting on semi-arid por- tions of the national forests ; estimating and appraising of timber and other resources and development and application of plans for their effective management, sale and use ; examination, classification, surveying, and appraisal of land incident to effecting exchanges authorized by law and of lands within the boundaries of the national forests that may be opened to homestead settlement and entry under the Act of June 11, 1906 (U. S. C., title 16, sees. 506- 509), and the Act of August 10, 1912 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 506), as provided by the Act of March 4, 1913 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 512), and all other expenses necessary for the use, maintenance, improve- ment, protection, and general administration of the national forests and lands under contract for purchase or for the acquisition of which condemnation proceedings have been instituted under the Act of March 1, 191 1 (U.S .C ., title 16, sec . 521), and the Act of June 7, 1924 (U. S . C ., title 16, sees . 471, 499, 505, 564-570) . In national forest region 1, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and South Dakota, $1,424,678 : Provided, That the Secretary of Agricul- ture is authorized to use not to exceed $200 in caring for the graves of fire fighter s buried at Wal lace, Idaho ; Newport, Washington ; and Saint Maries, Idaho ;