Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/310

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74TH CONGRES S . SESS . I. CH. 131 . MAY 17, 1935 . hor se-dr awn pa sseng er-ca rrying vehi cles n ecess ary in the conduc t of field work outside the District of Columbia, and in addition thereto there is authorized for expenditure from funds provided for carrying out the provisions of the Federal Highway Act of Novem- ber 9, 1921 (U. S. C ., title 23, sees. 21, 23), not to exceed $7,425 for the purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for use by the Forest Service in the construction and maintenance of national forest roads . BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY AND SOILS SALARIES AND EXPENSES 265 Vol.42,p. 217 . U, S.C .. p . 972 . Chemistry and Soils Bureau . General expenses . For all necessary expenses connected with the investigations, experiments, and demonstrations hereinafter au thoriz ed, i nde- pendently or in cooperation with other branches of the Department of Agriculture, other departments or agencies of the Federal Gov- ernment, States, State agricultural experiment stations, universities and other State agencies and institutions, counties, municipalities, business or other organizations and corporations, individuals, asso- ciation s, and sci entific so cieties, i ncluding t he employm ent of nece s- sary persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere ; rent outside the District of Columbia, and other necessary supplies and expenses, and for erection, alteration, and repair of buildings outside the Distr ict of Col umbia at a total cos t not to e xceed $5,00 0, as fol lows General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for gen- eral administrative purposes, including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $90,241 . Agricultural chemical investigations : For conducting the investi- gations contemplated by the Act of May 15, 1862 (U. s. C ., title 5, sets . 511, 512), relating to the application of chemistry to agricul- ture ; for the bi ological, c hemical, p hysical, m icroscopic al, and te ch- nological investigation of foods, feeds, drugs, and insecticides and substances used in the manufacture thereof, including investigations of the physiological effects of such products ; for the investigation Me thods of sugar and develop ment of meth ods for the manufacture of sugars and manufacture, etc . sugar sirups and the utilization of new agricultural materials for such purposes ; for investigation of the action and changes produced by micro-organisms, including molds and fungi ; for investigation and development of methods for the utilization of agricultural wastes and residues, in cooperation with the Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce, without duplication of work ; for investi- gation and development of methods for the prevention of heating of agricultural products and the prevention of farm fires and fires in cotton gins, cotton-oil mills, grain elevators, and other structures, and to cooperate with associations and scientific so ciet ies in the development of methods of analysis, $383,930 .

utilizing raw mate Color investigations : For investigation and experiment in the rials far colorants, etc . utilization, for coloring, medicinal, and technical purposes, of raw materials grown or produced in the United States, $69,757 . Plant dust explosions : For the investigation and development of methods for the prevention of grain-dust, smut-dust, and other dust explosions not otherwise provided for and resulting fires, including fires in cotton gins, cotton-oil mills, and grain elevators, $34,881 . Nav al s tore s i nves tig atio ns : For the investigation and demonstra- 1 aval stores investi- t ion of impr oved m ethod s or p roces ses of prep aring naval store s, gations . th e weighing , handling , transpor tation, and the uses of same, $ 76,741 . Fertilize r investig ations : For investigations within the United Fertilizers. States of fertilizers, fertilizer ingredients, including phosphoric acid Investigations, dem. onstrations, etc. Employees, etc . General administra- tive expenses . Chemical investiga- tions . Vol. 12, p. 387. U.S.C.,p.74. Bi ological , etc . , in- vestigations . Utilizing wastes, etc . Cooperation with sci- entific, etc ., societies. Plant dust explo- sions . Me tho ds for pre ven t- ing .