Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/358

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS . 159,160,164, M n 39, 1935 1935 . and twenty acres, more or less, with improvements thereon if any, comprising the abando ned Green Lake Fish Cultural Station, i n Hancock County, Maine, said tract being no longer needed for fish- cult ural purpo ses : Provided, That such action shall be in full recognition of any outstanding lease, license, or permit, affecting said land . Approved, May 29, 1935. [C HAPTE R 160.1 313 Pr oviso . Outstanding leases, pe rmi ts, etc ., recog. sized. AN ACT May 19 35 To amend section 128 of the Judicial Code, as amended .

[H. R. 8114.] [Public, No . 86.1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That paragraph Circuit courts of ap- Third" of subsection (a.) of section 128 of the Judicial Code, as peVol. 43, p. 936; U. S. amended (43 Stat. 936; U. S. C., title 28, sec. 225(a) ), be, and it is C., p .1259 . her eby, amend ed to read as f ollow s " Third . In the distr ict court s for Alas ka o r any divi sion ther eof, cis oe nvSie v of final de- and for the Virgin Islands, in all civil cases wherein the Consti- Alaska and Virgin tution or a statute or treaty of the United States or any authority Islands . exercised thereunder is involved ; in all other civil cases wherein the value in co ntroversy, exclusive of inte rest and costs, exceeds $1,000 ; in all criminal cases, and in all habeas corpus proceedings ; and in the Dist rict Court of the Canal Zone in the cases and modes Canal l p e. prescribed in sections 61 and 62, title 7, Canal Zone Code ,(48

1122 . Stat . 1122) . Approved, May 31, 1935 . [CHAPTER 164.] AN ACT To amend the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, to amend the Federal J u n e

1'x841 5 Farm Loan Act, to amend the Agricultural Marketing Act, and to amend the [Public, No. 87.] Farm Credit Act of 1933, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That this Act may Fa rm Credit Act of be cited as the ` Farm Credit Act of 1935 ."

1935. SEC . 2. (a) Section 32 of the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of Emergency a 1933, as amended (U. S. C., Supp. VII, title 12, sec . 1016, is further ments. amended by striking ou t of the third sentence the following : " an d Farm Loan Commis- sioner; loans to farmers . made for t he pu rpose of re ducin g and refi nancin g an exist ing Repayment provi- si ons mo dified . mortgage" .

Vol .48,p.48;u.S .C, (b) Such sectio n 32, as amended, is further amended by striking p' purposesotloans en- out the fifth sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following : lagedr. p.300. "Loans may be made under this s ection for any of the purposes for which Federal land banks are authorized by law to make loans, and for the following additional purpose, and none other : Refinanc- u . S . C ., p . 333 . ing, either in connection with proceedings under chapter VIII of the Bankruptcy Act of July 1, 1898, as amended, or otherwise, any indebtedness, secured or unsecured, of the farmer, or which is secured by a lien on all or any part of the farm property accepted as security for the loan ." (c) Such section 32, a s amended, is further amende d by striking Defin itions . out the seventh sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following "As used in this section, (1) the term `farmer' means any person "Farm er" . who is at the time, or shortly to become, bona fide engaged in farm- Vol.48,p. 4 8 g ing operations, either personally or through an agent or tenant, or the principal part of whose income is derived from farming oper- ations or livestock raising, and includes a personal representative